Plans design and elements

What is baseline data?

The definition of baseline data is a measurement that is collected prior to intervention or teaching starting. It can be collected through various measures including: percent accuracy, frequency, duration, rate and intervals


Special education is

a set of services and specially designed instruction (not a place).


A __________ ____________ ____________ gathers information about the function of a behavior and is done prior to the development of a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP).  

Functional Behavior Assessment 


What is an IEP?

Legally binding document that includes the special educational services a child will receive and how they will be implemented ad monitored


What is an antecedent?

An event that happens right before the target behavior. 


What does the A-B-C stand for in A-B-C Analysis? 

  1. Antecedents- things that occur prior to the behavior; there’s always an antecedent
  2. Behaviors- the observable interaction of the individual with the environment
  3. Consequences- things that occur following a target behavior; can make the behavior more or less likely to occur, or to stay the same; there’s always a consequence

How many disability categories are listed under IDEA?



When a pleasant consequence to a behavior results in an increase in the behavior’s rate of occurrence, what behavioral principle is being used?

Positive reinforcement 


What is a PLAAFP?

It is a brief but detailed statement of student's performance at the time of IEP, including all areas affected by the disability


What is a consequence? 

Something that happens directly after a behavior


What are types/examples of Permanent Product?



What are the main sections of IDEA?

  1. Overview of the intent of the law
  2. Delineates categories of eligibility and rights to services (3-22)
  3. Birth to 2 
  4. Identifies technical assistance centers

____________ ____________ is the contingent removal of an aversive stimulus immediately following a response that increases the future rate of the response.  

Negative reinforcement 


What are the key aspects to include within behavioral objectives?

  1. Identify the learner
  2. Identify the target behavior
  3. Identify the conditions of intervention
  4. Identify the criteria for acceptable performance

_______________ refers to how quickly a behavior is learned or how quickly it can be performed



Why is baseline data important?

The purpose of the baseline information is to assess the effect of the program and to compare what happens before and after the program has been implemented. Without baseline data, it's difficult to estimate any changes or to demonstrate progress, so it's best to capture baseline whenever possible.


What does the multiple disabilities category describe?

Multiple disabilities is the category typically used to refer to individuals with co-occurring impairments whose needs cannot be met in a special education category designated for a single disability.


Verbal statements of approval, proximity, physical contact, student privileges, and are ____________ reinforcers.



The IDEA Principle that mandates the inclusion of students with a disability in an environment which maximizes their interaction with their non-disabled peers 

Least restrictive environment (LRE)



What are 3 concerns about ABA- applied behavior analysis?

  • Coercion concerns
  • Contradicts the idea that each human should be free to choose a personal course of behavior
  • Deterministic position

    • Even human behavior is lawful behavior (subject to prediction) and its causes can be predicted in environmental events.

An observation system in which an observation period is divided into equal intervals and the target behavior is observed at the end of each interval is known as:

Time sampling


A severe discrepancy between a child's achievement and potential in one or more academic areas is considered a/an

Learning disability


A recording system in which an observation period is divided into equal intervals and the target behavior is observed at the end of each interval.

Time sampling


What are the main components of the IEP?

  1. Current academic and functional performance level
    1. Strengths, needs, parent concerns
  1. Accommodations necessary in class
  2. Subject areas impacted
  1. Academic, functional
  1. Goals and objectives to be achieved during course of IEP

    1. Typically 1 year or less 
  1. Standardized testing accommodations

When a student records their own behavior.  
