What day of the week does Shabbat start?
Friday night
What special bread do we eat on Shabbat?
What do we say when we finish saying or hearing a blessing?
What did God tell us to do on Shabbat?
What do we do with our hands when we light candles?
Wave hands over candles and cover our eyes for the blessing
What do we say to people to greet them on Shabbat?
Good Shabbos
What is the blessing that we say over the Challah?
Ha'motzei Lechem Min Ha'aretz
What prayer do we say at the end of each meal?
Birkat Hamazon
How many days did it take God to create the world?
Six days.
What are we NOT supposed to do between Netilat Yadiim (washing hands) and Hamotzei (challah)?
We are not supposed to talk.
What special drink do we use to make Kiddush?
Grape juice or Wine
What are the name of balls in chicken soup?
Matzah ball soup
What song do we sing to welcome the Shabbat angels?
Shalom Alechem
What three days of the week do we read from the Torah?
Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
Name three things that you are not supposed to do on Shabbat if you observe it.
work, cook, drive, spend money, use electronics, build things
What do we do on Saturday night to end Shabbat?
What two kinds of food do we not mix when keeping kosher?
Dairy (Milk) and Meat
What song do we sing to welcome the "Shabbat Queen"?
Lecha Dodi
How many mitzvot are in the Torah?
613 mitzvot (commandments)
What do we use to "point" to the words on the Torah?
Some people call Shabbat "Yom Menucha." What does that mean in English?
A day of rest.
Challah is usually bread that is braided, but which holiday do we eat round challot?
Rosh Hashanah
In the Friday night blessing, which four women do Jewish parents hope their daughters will be like? (Four Matriachs)
Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah
What are the first three books of the Torah?
Bresheit, Shmot, Vayikra
How do we use fire to start Shabbat and how do we use fire to end shabbat?
Friday night: lighting candles
Saturday night: Havdalah