Active: X focuses his will, channeling for 3 seconds and granting the target allied champion a shield for 5 seconds at the time of cast, increased by 0% − 60% (based on target's missing health).
What is Shen R (Stand united)?
Who is Sweetheart Sona?
The original name for Saul Goodman
who is James 'Jimmy' McGill?
In Mortal Kombat, This guy controls Ice and he is the only one to appear in every installment of the game
Who is Sub-Zero?
يلقب بابو حنان عفريت العود
من هو خالد الملا؟
Active: x summons a wall of ice at the target location perpendicular to her facing, knocking all units away from it, though not through terrain. The wall lingers as impassable terrain for 5 seconds.
What is Anivia's W (Creystallize)?
Who is Celestine Soraka?
who is Revolver Ocelot?
في هي العام ابتدات فيه حرب الخليج (الثانية)
ويش 1990 ؟
Passive: X gains bonus movement speed after 5 seconds without taking damage from enemy champions or turrets.
What is Teemo W (move quick)?
Who is Huntress Sivir?
it's the name of Tom Hardy's character in the Peaky Blinders
Who is Alfie Solomons?
He was voiced by Samuel L. Jackson in GTA: San Andreas.
Who is Officer Frank Tenpenny?
He is a British monarch that is known for marrying 6 times.
He divorced the first wife ( who was his brother's widow) to marry his second. the 2nd cheated on him, so he beheaded her and married her friend the next day. the 3rd died from complications from birth. The 4th was divorced cause she was ugly and he beheaded the advisor who made him marry her. the 5th was beheaded cause she cheated on him. He died with the 6th one.
Who is Henry VIII?
What is Brair Passive (crimson curse)?
Who is Sinful Succulent Morgana?
Who is Satori? ( one if the priests in sky Island)
In Risk of Rain 2 : This item gives you frenzy (Increased movement and attack speed ) for 6s after killing 4 enemies within 1s
what is Berzerker's Pauldron?
what is Kyrgyzstan?
It is called Phase
What is Aphelios W?
Who is Defender Leona?
صاحب المقولة الشهيرة في باب الحارة
من هو ابو محمود؟
بونس ( ادهم الملا)
Who is Arius?
He is the only player to be a teammate to both Maradona and Messi.
Who is Juan Riquelme ?
(1997 Boca juniors - Maradona )
(2008 Argentina Olympics - Messi)