Review of Tenses
Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses
Modals and Modal Perfects
Conditionals and Time Clauses
The Passive, Causative, and Reported Speech

Which tense is used in the sentence: "I have been studying for three hours"?  

Present Perfect Continuous.


Identify the relative clause in the sentence: "The book that you gave me was fascinating."  

"that you gave me" (Defining Relative Clause).


What modal verb completes this sentence: "You _____ leave early if you finish your work."  



What type of conditional is used here: "If it rains, we will stay indoors."  

First Conditional.


Convert the sentence to passive voice: "The chef is cooking the meal."  

"The meal is being cooked by the chef."


Which tense describes an action completed by a certain future time in the sentence: "By next year, I will have graduated"?  

Future Perfect Simple.


Create a sentence that contains a non-defining relative clause?  

"The Eiffel Tower, which is in Paris, is an iconic structure."


Choose the correct modal perfect for the sentence: "He _____ have missed the train."  



Identify the time clause in this sentence: "The game will start when everyone arrives."  

"when everyone arrives."


What is the structure for causative form in this sentence: "She had her car fixed by the mechanic."  

"Subject + have/get + object + past participle."


Identify the tense in the sentence: "They will be traveling to Japan this time next month."  

Future Continuous.


Transform the sentence into one with a defining relative clause: "The man, who is my neighbor, helped me fix my car."  

"The man who is my neighbor helped me fix my car."


Create a sentence that indicates a past action that was not done but was necessary?  

You should have completed your assignment yesterday.


Convert this sentence to a third conditional: "If you study, you will pass the test."  

"If you had studied, you would have passed the test."


Change this sentence to reported speech: "She said, 'I am learning English.'"  

"She said that she was learning English."


Explain the difference in meaning between: "I have read the book" and "I have been reading the book."  

"I have read the book" suggests the action is complete (Present Perfect Simple), while "I have been reading the book" emphasizes the ongoing nature or duration of the action (Present Perfect Continuous).


Explain the function of non-defining relative clauses and give an example.  

Non-defining relative clauses provide additional information that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Example: "My brother, who lives in New York, is a chef."


Transform this sentence using a modal perfect: "It is possible that she knew about the surprise."  

"She might have known about the surprise."


Create a sentence using a mixed conditional.  

"If I had known about the meeting, I would be attending it now."


Explain the change in verb tense when converting direct speech to reported speech and give an example.  

When converting to reported speech, the verb tense typically shifts back one step (present to past, past to past perfect). Example: Direct: "I will help you," said Tom. Reported: Tom said that he would help me.


Construct a sentence using the future perfect continuous tense that describes an action ongoing until a specified future time.  

By December, I will have been working at this company for five years.


Create a complex sentence using both a defining and a non-defining relative clause.  

"The woman who called you, who is my friend, wants to discuss the project."


Provide an example of a sentence using "must have" to indicate a logical conclusion about a past event.  

"She must have left early because the lights were off when I arrived."


Explain and give an example of a time clause with a future meaning.  

Time clauses with a future meaning describe actions that will happen in the future. Example: "As soon as the concert finishes, we will go for dinner."


Transform this sentence into the causative form: "The teacher made the students write the essay."  

 "The teacher had the students write the essay."