The passive
Reported speech affirmative
Reported speech questions and commands.

Reporting verbs forms
More reporting verb forms

A woman has found a stolen Picasso painting in the park. (been)

A stolen Picasso painting __________in a park.

A stolen Picasso painting has been found in a park.


"He is definitely the person to be the team captain", Phil said.

Phil said that he was definitely the person to be the team captain. 


"How are you going to do to pass the exam?" our teacher asked. 

Our teacher asked how we were going to do to pass the exam. 


Phil said he is the person to be the team capitan (insisted)

Phil _______ the team captain. 

Phil INSISTED ON being the team captain. 


She encouraged me _______(study) at University.

She ENCOURAGED me TO STUDY at University.


Everyone knows Detective Snowden well because she sholves a lot of crimes (known)

Detective Snowden _________ because she solves a lot of crimes.

Detective Snowden is well known  because she solves a lot of crimes.


"I am going to apply for a new job" , said Bob.

Bob said that he was going to apply for a new job. 


‘Have you seen any new films?’ She asked him.

She asked him if he had seen any new films.


Colin doesn't want to study economics anymore (interested)

Colin is __________ economics anymore. 

Colin is not INTERESTED IN STUDYING economics anymore.


I denied  _______ (be) part of the criminal gang.

I DENIED BEING part of the criminal gang.

  • They gave school prizes to five 4th Grade students for their high performances.

School prizes were given to five 4th Grade students for their high performances.


" We will go camping to Tegernsee tomorrow" Marion said.

Marion said they would go camping to Tegernsee the following day. 


‘How often do you go to the cinema?’ She asked him.

She asked him how often he went to the cinema. 


He accused me __   ________ (copy)  her exam.


He accused me OF COPYING  her exam.


She can't take you to the party because her bike is broken. 

You can't be taken to the party by her because her bike is broken.


"They didn't go skiing to the Alpes yesterday" Pete said.

Pete said that they hadn't gone skiing to the Alpes the previous day. 


"Don't tell me what happened at the end of the movie" she cried.

She cried not to tell her what happened at the end of the movie.


I blamed her __   ______ (tell) lies to my friends.

I blamed her FOR TELLING lies to my friends.


They would have bought you a car with pleasure but there wasn't any money left.

A car would have been bought to you but there wasn't any money left.


"She hasn't been in the gym today" Ian said.

Ian said that she hadn't been in the gym that day. 


"Come to the cinema with me" he told me

He told me to come to the cinema with him. 


The headmaster ordered us ______(leave) the school.

The headmaster ORDERED us TO LEAVE the school.