background info
structure of letter
key passages
main ideas
How was the letter thought to have been written?

From a dictation to a secretary.


What Church does Paul address in the greeting?

The church in Corinth.


How many key passages are there?

There are 4.


What has to be true for our faith to be true?

Jesus' complete resurrection


Where did Paul write this letter from?

from Ephesus

What is something Paul says he's grateful for in the thanksgiving?

The grace God gave to them / their patience for the Return of Christ


What do each of the key passages reflect?

They each relate to a main idea and a teaching from one. 


List each main idea of the chapters

Gifts coming together, Importance of Love, Gifts must be used peacefully and are equal, and the Truths about the Resurrection


Around what time is 1: Corinthians thought to be written?

Between 54-56 AD


How many different issues does Paul address in the body of the letter?

Paul addresses 5 different things.


Why is the personifications of love in the 2nd key passage important?

Because they all express the Universality of love and its importance over everything else


what is the most important main idea?

the importance and use of love is the most important main idea


Who was the audience?

The whole Christian church, but specifically the church in Corinth.


Name one of the issues Paul addresses in the body of the letter.

divisions in the church, sexual integrity, chaos in gatherings, food sacrificed to idols, Jesus' resurrection


What main idea does the key passage in chapter 13 reflect?

It reflects the influence of love on our faith and religion


What does Paul write about the gift of prophecy?

That it's more important than the use of tongues, but they have to be used together to understand the Gospel


1: Corinthians addresses concerns of?

It addresses social concerns like misunderstandings on spiritual gifts and the resurrection 


What does Paul write in his final salutations?

He gives final exhortations, personal greetings, and a final blessing of grace to the Church


What main idea does chapter 15 reflect?

It reflects the importance of resurrection to the validity of our faith.

Why is the analogy of the Body of Christ being the Church important to express the main idea of Unity?

Because in a body all parts work together even though they perform different individual functions, just like members of a Church or religious community