Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29-30
Chapter 31

This is what David takes from the camp of Saul. 

What are the spear and a jar of water? 

1 Samuel 26:11-12


This is how David felt after Saul's remorseful speech. 

What is he wanted to flee Saul's reach because he couldn't tell if he was genuine or not? 

1 Samuel 27:1


This is the practice that Saul had forbidden in Israel. 

What is witchcraft/necromancy?

1 Samuel 28:3


The commanders of the Philistines didn't want David and his men doing this. 

What is fighting with them in the battle against the Israelites? 

1 Samuel 29:3-5


This is where the last stand of the house of Saul took place. 

Where is Mount Gilboa? 

1 Samuel 31:1


This is what Saul does after realizing David had a chance to kill him and refuses. 

What is repent? 

1 Samuel 26:21-25


This is where David flees. 

Where is Gath of the Philistines? 

1 Samuel 27:1-4


This is what caused Saul to be afraid. 

What is the army of the Philistines? 

1 Samuel 28:5


This is how David responds to being told to go home. 

What is rather confrontational and angry? 

1 Samuel 29:8-10


The Philistines first killed these people of Saul. 

Who are the sons of Saul? 

1 Samuel 31:2 (particularly Jonathan)


While camping on the hill of Hachilah, Saul struck this in the ground beside where he was sleeping. 

What is a spear? 

1 Samuel 26:7 


David would do this on every raid. 

What is make sure he left no one alive? 

1 Samuel 27:11


This is where and whom Saul goes to. 

Where is Endor, and who is a witch? 

1 Samuel 28:6-10


This is what happened to David's home in Philistia and his wives. 

What is his home is burned to the ground and his wives were taken? 

1 Samuel 30:1-3


Saul does this after realizing the Philistines are going to win. 

What is falls on his own sword? 

1 Samuel 31:4-6


This person is the commander of Saul's army and also the person David ridicules in this chapter. 

Who is Abner? 

1 Samuel 26:5, 14-16


This is what David told the king of Gath about the raids he made. 

what is I raided the villages of Judah and here is the treasure? 

1 Samuel 27: 8-11


This is who the witch of Endor "summoned" for Saul and what this being said. 

Who is Samuel? and What is a prophecy about the demise of Saul and his family? 

1 Samuel 28:13-19


This is what David wants after seeing his town destroyed and his wives taken. 

What is the Ephod? 

1 Samuel 30:6-8


This is what the Philistines do with the dead body of Saul. 

What is cut off his head, send his armor to a pagan temple, and hung his body up on a wall in a city? 

1 Samuel 31:9-10


This is the list of ways David said Saul would be allowed to die. 

What are (1) the LORD will strike him, (2) his day will come to die, and (3) he will die in battle? 

1 Samuel 26:10


This is how the king of Gath responded to David's trickery. 

What is he trusted David very much and gave him the suburb of Ziklag? 

1 Samuel 27:6, 12


Saul refuses at first to do this after hearing Samuel's prophecy.

What is refusing to eat? 

1 Samuel 28:20-23


When the four hundred men bring back the spoil with David, this is how they act toward the two hundred men that stayed behind near the brook. 

What is refusing to let them have anything because of their greedy hearts? 

1 Samuel 30:22-25


These people rescue the dignity of their fallen king. 

Who are the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead?

1 Samuel 31:11-13