Figurative Language
Context Clues

Does a prefix come before or after the base word?

Before the base word


Does a suffix come before or after the base word?

After the base word


Read the sentences.

"In the middle of the floor. He Skated in circles."

What is the best way to write these sentences as one?

A. In the middle he skated in circles on the floor.

B. He skated in circles in the middle of the floor.

C. In the floor he skated in circles in the middle.

D. The middle of the floor in circles he skated.

B. He skated in circles in the middle of the floor.


When a question asks what the theme of the story was, what are they asking you?

They are asking what lesson or message you learned from reading the story.


What does this example of figurative language mean?

"Tony ran like a cheetah."

Tony can run very fast. (simile)


What are context clues?

When you read the words and sentences around a word you are not familiar with.  

Context clues give you a hint about the meaning of an unknown word. 


What does the prefix "un-" mean?

Give one example

"un-" means "not"

Example:  unhappy


What does the suffix "-ful" mean?

Give one example

Full of


Read the sentence

"Do you like celery."

What change should be made to the sentence?

A. Change the period to a comma.

B. Change the period to a question mark.

C. Change the period to an exclamation point. 

D. No change.

B. Change the period to a question mark. 


What is the theme/message here?

Once a cat was in a hurry. She ran across the street without looking. She narrowly escaped being hit by a car.

a. Don’t steal.

b. Look both ways before crossing the street.

c. Necessity is the mother of invention.

d. One good turn deserves another.

B.  Look both ways before crossing the street. 


What does this example of figurative language mean?

"Kenny is such a pig."

Kenny is messy.  He does not pick up after himself.  Maybe Kenny eats way too much food.  


Use context clues to help you figure out what the word "weary" means.  

Bonnie was so weary, she threw herself onto her bed and fell right asleep.

Bonnie is very tired or exhausted.  


What does the prefix "mis-" mean?

Give one example.

"mis-" means "badly" or "wrongly"

Example:  misunderstand


What does the suffix "-less" mean?

Give one example



(1) A lovely plum tree grows in a quiet corner of my backyard. (2) The plum tree grows flowers in spring. (3) It grows fruit in summer. (4) The plum tree is not very large. (5) It still gives some shade on sunny days. (6) Do you want to know the best part about my plum tree? (7) It has a lot of plums at the end of summer we can make plum pie. 

What is the best way to write sentences 2 and 3 as one sentence. 

A. The plum tree grows flowers in spring and fruit in summer.

B. The plum tree grows flowers in spring, it grows fruit in summer.

C. The plum tree grows flowers and fruit in spring and summer too.

D. The plum tree grows flowers in spring, and grows fruit in summer also. 

A. The plum tree grows flowers in spring and fruit in summer. 


What is the theme/message here:  

A young child was stopped by a man. The man asked her if she would help him find his lost puppy, and if she helped him he would give her candy. The child ran away and told a teacher what happened. Later on “American’s Most Wanted” they recognized that man. He was a wanted kidnapper.

a. Look both ways before crossing the street.

b. Don’t talk to strangers.

c. Don’t steal.

d. Be polite.

B.  Don't talk to strangers


What does this example of figurative language mean?

"She doesn't mean it.  She is just pulling your leg."

She is trying to trick you.


Use context clues to help you figure out what the word "ravenous" means.  

After spending all day swimming, I was ravenous! I wolfed down two corn dogs and a bag of chips!

Very, very hungry


What does the prefix "non-" mean?

Give one example.

"non-" means "not"

Example:  Nonsense


The word "plural" means more than one.  

What is the plural form of the word:  "cat" 



Read the sentence

"Enjoy your delicious snack"

What punctuation mark would be best at the end of the sentence?

A. Period

B. Question Mark

C. Comma

D. Exclamation Mark

D. Exclamation Mark


What is the theme/message here?

A Hare once bragged to all the animals that he could beat anyone in a race. A tortoise said, “I challenge you.” So they raced. The hare ran fast and the tortoise plodded along. The hare was so confident that he took a nap. The tortoise kept up his steady pace and won the race.

a. Slowly but surely wins the race.

b. Don’t be lazy.

c. We are all capable of improvement.

d. United we stand, divided we fall.

A.  Slowly but surely wins the race. 


What does this example of figurative language mean?

"I have a million things to do today."

There is a lot that needs to be done.  


Use context clues to help you figure out what the word "eager" means.  

I was so eager to go camping that I packed my bags a week early!

To be looking forward to something.  


What is the base word in the word:  misbehave

Base Word:  "behave"


The word "plural" means more than one. 

What is the "plural" form of the word:  dish



What is the theme/message here:  

Once there was a young boy and an old man. The young boy laughed at the tired, slow old man. Then the young boy needed to interview an old person for a school project. The old man was very helpful and the boy got an A+ on his paper. The boy felt bad about laughing earlier.

a. Necessity is the mother of invention.

b. Don’t steal.

c. Respect your elders.

d. Slowly but surely wins the race.

C.  Respect your elders


What does this example of figurative language mean?

"Arnold could hear the fresh-baked brownies calling his name."

He really wants some brownies.  


Use context clues to help you figure out what the word "queasy" means. 

We had been on the boat for two hours and I was so queasy because we were rocking back and forth.

Sick to your stomach and nauseous.