1st Commandment
I am the Lord your God.... You shall have no other gods before me.
7th Commandment
Neither shall you steal
The mother of Jesus
The ability to make moral judgements
This state is the largest in the US by area
4th Commandment
Honor your father and mother
5th Commandment
You shall not kill
The act of laziness
The act of lying under oath
Regina plays this team Wednesday at state basketball
Maquoketa Valley
2nd Commandment
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
6th Commandment
Neither shall you commit adultery
Jesus is born
The Nativity
An inventory of the judgements the conscience has made.
Examination of conscience
This boy was the lead in the Regina musical this weekend.
Max Franklin
You shall not desire anything that is your neighbors.
8th Commandment
Someone who has a very high opinion of themselves
The act of overeating or drinking
This man has the world record in the 100
Usain Bolt
3rd Commandment
Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9th Commandment
This book in the bible list the 10 commandments
The killing of a person who is suffering
This state is the smallest in the US by area
Rhode Island