List the five dimensions of health and wellbeing
Physical, social, emotional, mental, spirtual
List the seven key nutrients
carbohydrates, fats, protein, fibre, water, vitamins, minerals
The first stage of the human lifespan is
List four youth health issues
answers may include:
smoking, homelessness, drugs, alcohol, road safety, skin cancer, mental health disorders
Define mortality
the state of being subject to death
List three key aspects / characteristics of physical health and wellbeing
Body weight, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, levels of illness, feelings of physical wellbeing, energy levels, functioning of body systems, physical fitness
Explain the main function of carbohydrates
provides fuel for energy
Dave is 16 years old. Dave loves playing football. His favourite player is Patrick Dangerfield. Patrick is 32 years old. What stages of the lifespan are Dave and Patrick in
Dave = Youth
Patrick = Early adulthoodeg If you started smoking and your friends no longer wanted to be around you may loose your supportive network of friends
Define morbidity
the condition of suffering from a disease or medical condition
List three key aspects / characteristics of social health and wellbeing
friendship networks, being part of a group or team, relationships with family members, state of relationship with school / workmates, social needs met
Explain the main function of protein and provide three examples of foods high in protein
Repair, growth and maintance of muscles.
Food sources may include: chicken, red meats, beans / legumes
A key milestone in early adulthood is...
A key milestone in late adulthood is...
Answers include: finish school/ university, begin career, get married, have child, buy a house
Answers include: retirement, spend time volunteering, spend time completing leisure activities eg golf, lawn bowls
Explain how road accidents can impact physical health and wellbeing
Answer must link to key aspects
eg If you are in a road accident that may lead to injuries which could impact the functioning of the body and its systems
Define spirtual health and wellbeing and provide three key aspects
Defined as ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the mind and conscience of human beings
Key aspects: having a sense of belonging, having meaning and purpose in life, experiencing peace and harmony, acting according to values and beliefs
Explain what the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is and the five food groups
A visual representation of the five food groups and the recommended proportions we should consume each day.
Five food groups: Grains and cereals, vegetables, fruit, dairy, lean meats tofu nuts
Identify a common perceptions people have of youth
answers may include:
lazy, rude, rule breakers, criminals, dangerous
Choose a youth issue and identify three services youth can access
Services must link to youth health issue
eg mental health disorders
beyond blue, headspace, SANE
Define interrelationship, dynamic and subjective health and wellbeing
Interrelationship = how two or more dimensions impact each other
dynamic = dimensions are in a constant state of change
subjective = dimensions are viewed differently based on people experiences, values and views
There are five Australian Dietary Guidelines. Name 1
1. To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and choose amounts of nutritious food and drinks to meet your energy needs
2. Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five food groups every day
3. Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars and alcohol
4. Encourage, support and promote breastfeeding
5. Care for your food; prepare and store it safely
List all stages of the lifespan and their age span
Prenatal (conception - birth)
Infancy (0 - 2 years)Early childhood (2 - 6 years)
Late childhood (6 - 12 years)
Youth (12-18 years)
Early Adulthood (18 - 40 years)
Middle Adulthood (40 - 65 years)
Late Adulthood (65 - death)
List 10 youth health issues
Answers may include
homelessness, smoking, drugs, alcohol, vaping, gambling, depression, anxiety, road safety, school or study problems, bullying, eating disorders, skin cancer, obesity etc