Excessive, extreme, irrational, fear or panic reaction about a situation, living creature, place or object
PT is alert and has hot, sweaty skin, tachycardia, and a normal blood pressure.
Heat cramps
Black widow spider
Neurotoxin produces muscle spasms and cramps with abdominal rigidity and intense pain.
factors that can affect clinical outcome of a submersion
duration of submersion, cleanliness of the water, temp of water, age.
Amyl nitrate, sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrate.
An intense, irrational, persistent instinct or thought process of fearful feelings and thoughts.
Increased metabolic rates, max shivering, thermogenesis, impaired judgement, slurred speech, resp depression,
How does TCA work -
these drugs work by blocking the uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin into the presunaptin neurons. AKA sodium channel blocker in the myocardium.
Activated Charcoal
Adsorption of molecules of chemical toxins while in the intestinal tract.
Use in non caustic pills-- within 1 hourManagement of hyperthermia
Behavioral Emergency
change in mood or behavior that cannot be tolerated by the involved person or others and needs immediate attention
primary danger of nitrogen narcosis
Impaired judgement due to nitrogen crossing blood brain barrier which produces depressant effect similar to those of alcohol
salicylate overdose reason
CNS stimulation, interference with cellular glucose uptake and inhibition of krebs cycle enzymes that affect energy production and amino acid metabolism
Difference between salt vs fresh water drowning
Fresh - water is pulled into blood stream,
salt - water is pulled into the lungs (unable to breath until water is gone)
Treatment of TCA overdose
Sodium Bicarb,airway support,
state of acute mental confusion commonly brought on by a physical illness
S/S of organophosphate
SLUDGE - Salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal upset, emesis
Muscarinic receptors in organophosphate
All drownings are characterized by
Hypoxia, acidosis, and hypercapnia
Treatment for Hypothermia
Delay ACLS drugs, Counter shocks.... only CPR. WARM the patient, warm IV fluids,
a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
overdose of oil of wintergreen will most likely present
Hyopglycemia, tachypnea, and tinnitus
Coughing patient who has ingested hydrocarbon is assumed to have
Methanol and ethylene glycol are often present in automotive products. Ingestion of these products often produces
Metabolic Acidosis
primary goal when assessing a poisoned patient
Identify the effects on respiratory, cardiovascular, and central nervous system