DAILY DOUBLE: Does this subject need a singular or plural verb? Why?
Plural, Multiple birds
Name the prepositional phrase(s):
The keys on the counter are mine.
On the counter
Fix the mistake(s) in this sentence:
The girls plays soccer on Saturdays.
The girls play soccer on Saturdays.
Create your own sentence:
Subject: Dog, Prep. phrase: Under the tree.
The dog under the tree VERB.
Which verb is correct in this sentence? Why?
The pile of dirty clothes (need/needs) to be washed.
Needs, Pile is singular
Does this verb need a singular or plural subject? Why?
Singular, ends in -s
Name the prepositional phrase(s):
The painting in the museum is famous.
In the museum
Fix the mistake(s) in this sentence:
The cat on the windowsill watch the birds.
The cat on the windowsill watches the birds.
Create your own sentence:
Prep. phrase: in the cafeteria, Verb: talk
SUBJECT PLURAL in the cafeteria talk ....
Which verb is correct in this sentence? Why?
The box of old books (was/were) left outside.
Was, Box is singular
Does this verb need a singular or plural subject?
Plural, does not end in -s, talking about multiple people
Name the prepositional phrase(s):
The students from my class went on a field trip.
From my class, On a field trip
Fix the mistake(s) in this sentence:
The basket of apples are heavy.
The basket of apples is heavy.
Create your own sentence:
Subject: Author and scientist, Prep. phrase: from Colorado
The author and scientist from Colorado VERB
DAILY DOUBLE: Which verb is correct in this sentence? Why?
The players, along with their coach, (is/are) celebrating.
Are, Players and coach are plural
Does this subject need a singular or plural verb? Why?
Singular, one teacher
Name the prepositional phrase(s):
The ball under the bleachers was lost.
Under the bleachers
Fix the mistake(s) in this sentence:
The team celebrate their victory.
The team celebrates their victory.
Create your own sentence:
Prep. phrase: in the library, Verb: reads
SUBJECT in the library reads....
Which verb is correct in this sentence? Why?
The herd of deer (run/runs) across the road.
Runs, Herd is singular
Does this subject need a singular or plural verb? Why?
The cat and the dog
Plural, dog and cat is plural
Name the prepositional phrase(s):
The books beside my bed belong to my sister.
Beside my bed
DAILY DOUBLE: Fix the mistake(s) in this sentence:
The dog with black spots bark at strangers
The dog with black spots barks at strangers.
Create your own sentence:
Subject: You, Prep. phrase: in the middle
You, in the middle of ..., VERB
Which verb is correct in this sentence? Why?
The woman, as well as her three dogs, (walk/walks) in the park every morning.
Walks, Woman is singular