Online Learning
Class Policies
Assignments and Grades

To succeed in online classes, students should always work from this and avoid using the to-do list or course summary.

What is the module?


Students who need extra help are free to drop in to see the professor on Zoom or in-person during these hours.

What are student hours?


Students who do not complete the syllabus quiz and this other assignment by Tuesday night of the first week of class may be dropped as a no-show.

What is the main post of the Ice Breaker discussion?


These types of assignments can never be submitted late, no matter the reason, and you need to be careful because they typically have three different due dates.

What are discussion assignments?


In English 101, the percentage of the grade that final drafts are worth.

What is 60%?


An accessible syllabus, instructor contact information, and course Netiquette rules can all be found in this module.

What is Course Information?


Students who need reasonable accommodations for a documented disability should contact this office, located in JSC-108.

What is Disabled Student Programs & Services?

How often a student should log in to an online class.

What is every other day?


Though the textbook for this class is linked in Canvas at no cost to the student, students are required to purchase this other book.

What is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian


You will not receive a traditional A, B, C, D, or F grade in English 066. Instead this class grade will be ____.

What is P/NP or Pass/No Pass?


Students encountering technical problems with Canvas should not contact the instructor, but should contact Canvas. Information on Canvas Technical Help and Support can be found in this module.

What is the Resources module?


This popular resource offers tutoring both on-campus and online, and you will be required to use this resource as part of your English 066 grade.

What is The Learning Center?


Students who struggle with comprehending these types of instructions may want to choose an in-person class rather than an online class.

What are written instructions?


In English 101, students must complete this number of assignments each week in order to avoid "absences." Two consecutive weeks of absence may cause the student to be dropped from the course.

What is two?


Each week in English 101, students will have at least one quiz and one of these assignments, which are worth 5% of the total grade in the class.

What is a discussion?


Students should adjust their Canvas settings to receive notifications of announcements, grades, and assignment feedback. Instructions for changing these settings can be found on this page in the Course Information module. 

What is Customize Your Canvas Settings & Access?


Students seeking psychological services can visit this place in JSC-110.

What is the Health and Wellness Center?


Even though the class is online, all communication must be clear and professional. Students should avoid informal spelling and capitalization that makes their writing look like this kind of informal correspondence.

What is a text message?


Though English 101 is online, the English 066 lab is this kind of class, meaning there are required meeting days and times.

What is in-person or on-campus?


You will need an account for this program in English 066 so that you can complete some of your classwork and learn to use AI in ethical ways.

What is ChatGPT?


Each Sunday or Monday, students should plan the week by clicking on this page in the week's module, watching the video, and looking at the suggested schedule.

What is the module introduction page?


Students should use this program for most written assignments. The good news is that it is offered for free to SAC students and can be accessed through a page in the Resources Module.

What is Microsoft Word/Microsoft Office 365?

A 16-week four-unit course is designed to take this number of hours of lecture and homework per week.

What is 12?


Students who use this kind of technology to generate their writing for them will receive an assessment and be required to follow up within two weeks. It is possible that the student will then receive a zero on the assignment.

What is AI?


In addition to assignments each week, students will need to review these pages, which are meant to serve as "lecture" material for the online course.

What are lessons?