Effects of Drugs on the Body
More Recovery
Famous People In Recovery
Bands in Recovery

This is the most commonly abused drug in the United States. 

What is alcohol?


This drug can cause liver damage, heart failure, neurological issues, kidney problems, pancreatic failure, and GI system issues. 

Hint: You may want to gnaw your arm off in the morning. 

What does alcohol do?


This is used to combat opioid overdose. 

What is Narcan?


Avoid ___, ___, and ___ to avoid relapse and ensure recovery. 

What are people, places, and things?


This type of treatment is most effective after someone completes a residential program. 

What is outpatient treatment?


I Was Born: on December 21, 1948, in Washington, District of Columbia, USA    

I have over 150 Acting credits.

I was in Pulp Fiction and have been known as the "token black guy" in every movie ever. 

Who is

 Samuel L. Jackson


This musician got sober after his son died of a tragic accident while this performer was high on cocaine. 

Who is Eric Clapton?


This is measured by a breathalyzer to determine how much alcohol is in someone's system. anything over .08 is past the legal driving limit in most states.

What is BAC (blood alcohol content)?


This drug can cause psychosis, memory loss, hallucinations, aggressive or violent behavior, and mood disturbances.

As well as seeing shadow people.

What are Methamphetamines?


The acronym HALT stands for this thing that can lead to relapse.

What is hungry, angry, lonely, and tired?


This can be internal or external and is a provocation to relapse. 

What is a trigger?


___meetings in ___ days are recommended after you have been released from residential treatment or jail because it creates new healthy habits/routines and exposes you to new healthy supports. 

What is 90 in 90?


According to NA literature, people in the grip of SUD will end up in ___, ___, and ___. 

What is jails, institutions, and death?


I have 61 credits on my resume as an actor.

I have a famous father who is also an actor.

I am a Gemini, love knives, and drank my husband's blood.

Who is

Angelina Jolie


This famous band had a member who became addicted to LSD, had a mental breakdown, and left the band. Later, the band used some of this experience to create a famous album and movie that people love to watch while on LSD. 

***Daily Double*** (name the album)

Who is Pink Floyd?

What is The Wall?


Do the next "___


What is the next right thing?


This drug has been linked to paranoia, panic, anxiety, poor coordination, and depression.

Also don't eat a brownie at a dead show

What is cannabis?


Long-term use of this drug can cause permanent damage to the liver, kidneys, and heart and can cause sleep deprivation and loss of appetite leading to malnutrition in those who use it daily.

Hint: stay away from roses in liquor store

What is crack cocaine?


This is the process by which the body rids itself of substances. 

What is detoxification?


These things help us to manage emotions related to difficult times, improve emotional health, and help us grow as people. They are also learned behaviors, attitudes, and approaches to dealing with hard things. 

What are healthy coping skills?


This stage of change describes a client that is ready to begin changing their behaviors but is unsure of what to do next. 

***Daily Double*** (These are the other 4 stages of change)

What is preparation?


I had many Friends in NYC for ten years.

I kept a dark secret: drug addiction. I entered rehab twice during, once in 1997 for a Vicodin addiction, and again in 2001 for Vicodin, amphetamines, methadone, and alcohol.

I recently died in my hot tub... sadly. 

Who is

Matthew Perry


This singer/songwriter is not afraid to take a stand. 

Who is Eminem?


This increases as one continues to use, requiring one to need more of the substance to feel the same high. 

What is tolerance?


This drug kicked off an epidemic beginning in the late 90s with a second wave in the 2010s caused from overprescribing by doctors and relentless pushing by Big Pharma and has contributed to countless overdose deaths, heroin addiction, and an onslaught of Fentanyl that permeates almost every illegal drug on the street today.

**Daily Double***(Name the company responsible for the creation of this drug)

What is Oxycontin?

Purdue Pharma


With continued methamphetamine use, the brain will stop producing this chemical. 



Name two types of substance dependency. 

What is physical and psychological?


This stage of change describes a client that does not believe they have a problem with substances. 

What is pre-contemplation?


This therapy is used to teach clients connections between their thoughts, feelings, and actions to increase awareness of how these things impact recovery and substance use. Hint--Initials are CBT. 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?


I was once married to a woman with borderline personality disorder (the world watched).

I started my career in a movie called A Nightmare on Elm Street in (1984)

I once played a Disney character inspired by famous Rolling Stones Guitar player Keith Richards.

Who is

Johnny Depp


Elton John helped this musician get sober. Famous Pop/Rock musician. Known for the song "Uptown Girl".

Who is Billy Joel?


This US Government organization conducted numerous tests with LSD on humans (Many of these tests were unethical). 

What is the CIA?


This drug slows brain activity, slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and causes tissue death/large skin wounds leading to amputation, and overdose that cannot be reversed with Narcan. 

What is Xylaxine?


This chemical in the brain is responsible for feelings of euphoria and is triggered by substance use such as methamphetamines and heroin. 

What is dopamine?


This is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing the negative consequences associated with drug use.

***Daily Double*** (Give examples)

What is Harm Reduction?

Needle exchange programs, STD testing, Fentanyl or Xylaxine test strips, Narcan, using sites, etc. 


This is the Serenity Prayer. 

What is God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just for today. 


Get treatment for any __ -____ disorders you may have that lead to your addiction in the first place for best treatment outcomes. 

What are co-occurring disorders?


I am an American actor born in New York on April 4, 1965.

From 1996 to 2001, I was arrested several times on charges related to drugs including cocaine, heroin, and marijuana after becoming addicted to drugs at the age of 8 because my sister gave them to me. 

I am part of an extremely successful franchise and have saved the universe. 

Who is 

Robert Downey Jr.?


American heavy metal band that developed the subgenre of speed metal in the early and mid-1980s Once they got sober, shortly after an album named after a color, their music began to suck. The lead rhythm guitarist had a relapse and checked himself into rehab in 2019. 

Who is Metallica?


Share at least two pieces of advice or encouragement you would give to someone else starting on their recovery journey.

You are worthy and deserving of living a life free of drugs/alcohol, you can do difficult things, this does not define you, ask for help, go to meetings, get involved in the community, find fulfillment, don't give up, practice self-care, develop at least 2 healthy coping skills, etc.