This is the United Kingdom’s public TV networks
What is BBC?
It began as a radio network in 1922. Today, it’s the world’s largest broadcaster.
If you have skeletons in your closet, it’s not a good idea to cast this stone.
What is first?
It’s best to think twice before criticizing others.
Fall runs from this mid-month through this mid-month in the northern hemisphere
What is September through December?
This timeframe is astronomical fall. Meteorologists use a different calendar; meteorological fall runs September through November.
This state has the largest landmass in the United States.
What is Alaska?
It also has the largest coastline of any state. In terms of landmass, No. 2 is Texas, and No. 3 is California
Globe and Jerusalem are types of this vegetable.
What is artichoke?
Globe artichoke varieties are what you typically see at the grocery store. Jerusalem artichokes are tubers and can be roasted and used as you would use potatoes.
Before its fall from the top position, this cable news network was renowned for its live coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial and Operation Desert Storm.
What is CNN?
Cable viewership has fallen dramatically. Most of the broadcast and cable news networks have dropped their foreign bureaus, and many people have cut cable and moved to streaming services.
When you’re dressed up, you are said to be dressed to this number
What is nine or the nines?
The idiom dressed to the nines is used when someone is dressed in formal attire
When this debris enters Earth’s atmosphere, it burns up and creates these showers.
What is meteor?
The Taurid meteor shower occurs every year in mid-autumn.
This smallest U.S. state once had the longest name.
What is Rhode Island?
The official name used to be State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. In 2020, it was renamed to Rhode Island.
In what movie did Robert DeNiro famously repeat the line, “You talkin’ to me?”
Taxi Driver
Jodie Foster and Cybill Shepherd also starred in the film, while Martin Scorsese directed it.
This is Canada’s public TV network.
What is CBC?
Founded in 1932 as the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, it added television in 1955
Sometimes you can kill this number of birds with one stone.
What is two?
When we solve two problems at the same time, we kill two birds with one stone
Fall is the season of this sport’s championship games. The sport also has a well-known museum in Cooperstown, New York.
What is baseball or MLB?
The World Series begins in October, and occasionally it runs into November
This is the “Live Free or Die” state.
What is New Hampshire?
While many state license plates are manufactured in prisons, it’s ironic that the New Hampshire license plates are made in prisons because they say “Live Free or Die” on them.
What toy set consists of wooden dowels and wheels and was originally packaged in a tin can?
Introduced in 1914 by stonemason Charles Pajeau, the Tinkertoy construction set helps children develop spatial intelligence.
He entertained us with Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Who is Robin Leach?
He was once a host on Talking Food, an early Food Network program.
It will never happen in this number of years.
What is a million?
People say “It will never happen in a million years” when the chances of something happening are the same as the chances of winning the lottery
Americans spend millions of dollars every autumn on this orange fruit
What is pumpkin?
Didn’t realize pumpkins were a fruit? Scientifically speaking, anything that starts from a flower is botanically a fruit
Boeing has the largest manufacturing plant in the world in this state.
What is Washington?
Boeing’s Everett campus is larger than Disneyland and includes its own fire department.
What food company uses the mascot named Poppin’ Fresh?
Better known as the Pillsbury Doughboy, Poppin’ Fresh made his debut in a 1965 television commercial when he popped out of a can of dough and introduced himself.
This number of days was dedicated to broadcasting the details after President Kennedy’s assassination.
What is four?
There was no entertainment and little other news coverage in print or on the airwaves other than the assassination. The New York Times captured it all in the commemorative book Four Days in November: The Original Coverage of the John F. Kennedy Assassination.
When someone is being interrogated, they are getting this degree.
What is the third?
When a parent questions their child, the child sometimes accuses their parent of giving them the third degree.
Apple juice begins its journey as another juice processed from apples.
What is apple cider?
According to the Huffington Post, “Apple cider is picked, washed, ground, pressed fresh juice. Apple juice starts off as cider and then is concentrated into syrup or powder then reconstituted with water and hermetically bottled to be shelf safe.
The first World Series game was held in this state, which is now home of the Red Sox.
What is Massachusetts? It was held in 1903 between the Boston Pilgrims and the Pittsburgh Pirates, with Boston prevailing 7–3.
in what 1969 film did Robert Redford and Paul Newman portray Wild West outlaws Harry Longabaugh and Robert LeRoy Parker, respectively?
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Longabaugh was better known as the Sundance Kid, while Parker was Butch Cassidy. Although the characters portrayed in the film are based on historical people, the storyline is more fiction than fact.