What is an auto-biography?
A biography written by oneself.
What is a Haiku
5-7-5 nature focus
What's an adjective?
A word that describes a noun or pro noun.
What's Ms. J's first name?
What is a biography?
A piece of writing of someone else's life.
What is a line?
The unbroken line of text in a poem.
What's an adverb?
A word that describes a verb.
Who loves Liverpool?
What kind of car does Ms. J have?
Who's biographies did we read?
MLK Jr. Freedoms Daughters
What is a stanza?
a group of lines.
What's a proper noun?
A name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with initial capital letters ex. Walmart, France, etc.
Who's left handed?
How old is Ms. J
Who's autobiographies did we read?
Nelson Mandela and Anne Frank
What is a rhyme scheme/ rhyme pattern?
The way in which the lines of the poems rhyme.
When do you use a semicolon?
To separate items in a list or to connect two closely related sentences.
James Ei
What's the name of Ms. J's car?
What is the purpose of a biography?
To inform others about someone important.
What are 2 key features of poetry?
Figurative Language
What are the two main parts of a sentence?
Subject and Predicate.
Who has spent over $500 on Chipotle?
Ms. J has 2 dogs and 1 cat, what is one of their names?
Atlas, Luna, Noodle