What to Do?
Call Outlines
General Practices
Money Motivated
Follow the Leader

Caller mentions they checked the balance of their Card the received from the Redcross and it is at Zero...

What do you do?

Apologize for inconvenience, confirm them being victim of natural disaster, then transfer to disaster services


You do not need to ask for callers name on each call! (TRUE or FALSE)



Woman calls and says she has tested positive as of today for having COVID...

What are you're next steps?

1. Express your Sympathy towards woman

2. Transfer to DCSC so woman can report her status and they can find her donation





Locate Avaya Support Items

1. Troubleshooting Job Aid

2. Clear Cache and Cookies

3. Locate Audio Troubleshooting Job Aid 

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Caller mentions they were advised they could receive a $40 worth GC from donating...

What are methods that could be used to validate/substantiate info?

Check SAR

Identify caller being eligible for 

Minority Lapsed Campaign $30  

Not Near a Zaxby's $5

Bonus $5


This is an accurate offer for further assistance...

If there isn't anything else, you can always reach us back at 1-800-REDCROSS


Your Offer needs to always be posed as "Was/Is there anything else I can assist you with today?" or "Did I resolve all your issues today?"


Location to update your specific COVID/ COVID Vacc status 

HR NOW (Update COVID Status)


Top 6 Time Wasting Items 

1. Watching TV 

2. Procrastination

3. Always saying YES

4. Attempting to be Perfect

5. Multitasking

6. Worrying/Stressing


Change/check/set your Microsoft Teams status

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Person calls and wishes to have their Name Updated on Donor Record..

Data Management at DCSC 


Donor/Caller Eligible to Donate in OCT but wants appointment for NOV 1st

1. Is a promo required to be mentioned?

2. Which Promo would be needed if so? 

1. YES, Promo needs to be mentioned

2. October Promotion would be needed to mentioned

*If caller is set on specific date... Remind them that if they know anyone who is willing to come out in the current month*


What Information is needed for a COVID related Negative Feedback?

1.First,enter the word Covid when the feedback is specifically related to a Covid issue

2.Enter the date and place where the Covid issue took place.

3.Enter a description of the Covid issue the donor explains.


Your scheduled at 40hrs/week at $17.50/hr.

You work 5 extra hours/week finishing 2week at 90hrs total

How much extra income did you EARN? 

1. $43.75

2. $312.50

3. $218.75

You have earned an additional $218.75



Open a new Word Document...

Type: Follow The Leader in 

(Times New Roman Bold 14pt Font)

Save Document (Label file "Follow The Leader")

Open Side Chat to me via Teams...

Attach "Follow The Leader" doc..

Message me.... "Document Sent"

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Person Calling wishes to report ARC Van Drag Racing...

What info is needed and where do you send it?


  • Date of the call:
  • Caller’s First/Last name:
  • Caller Phone #:
  • Date and time incident occurred?:
  • Where did the incident occur?
  • Specific street/highway/business, etc.:
  1. City:
  2. State:
  • Description of ARC vehicle (license plate, vehicle ID, color/make of car, etc.):
  • Description of driver behavior:

Must advise we are transferring to a queue with a possible wait time upon OP Assist transfers! 




Fred donated last week and still has a bruise on his arm. Fred also recently tested positive for COVID. Fred doesn't wish to do anything about it.

It is ok to do nothing and let Fred go off the line.



SOMETHING must be done, offer Fred to speak to DCSC, if Fred still declines, a NEGATIVE FEEDBACK would suffice


The Average Millionaire has how many incomes? 

The Average Millionaire has about 7 incomes


Caller wants to set up Hosting a Blood Drive but does not have access to internet.

City: Philadelphia (Zip-Code) 19131

Site: Sharon Baptist Church

P.O.C - Shelly Carter 215-387-6452 

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Caller states that he is frustrated and wants to report that he receives numerous calls to be recruited, sets up appointments that end up getting cancelled, had a bad experience last time donating with rude person at drive and is having problems logging into account to schedule next appointment...

1. How many issues has the caller just listed that need to be addressed by you the representative?

2. How would we assist?

1. Caller has 4 issues and they all can be addressed by representative handling call

2. Apologize for frustrations experienced and advise that we will submit negative feedback, thank for continuous support, advise that we can assist with getting scheduled, offer to assist getting caller back into account


"Your appointment is set for Monday November 1st at the YMCA on Woodland Ave you will receive a email to the address on file. 

Thank you for your support, and if you are not going to make it, please give us a call at 1-800-REDCROSS"

This is a complete CLOSE (TRUE or FALSE)


"Your appointment is set for Monday November 1st at the YMCA on Woodland Ave for a WB procedure you will receive a email to the address on file (noname@email.com). 

Thank you for your support, and if you are not going to make it or are NOT FEELING WELL, please give us a call at 1-800-REDCROSS"


What is the EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Phone Number

Employee Assistance Program 855.272.7677


YOU CAN'T BECOME WHO YOU WANT TO BE BECAUSE _____________________.....



Caller states they wish to receive Christmas gifts/toys for their children since recently being laid off. Internet at home has also been disconnected and phone is out of data.

Zip-code: 19131

Provide caller with 3 Resources:

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