Which SOP says :
What is habit #1?
Be proactive (you're in charge!)
What happens "quickly, quietly, and safely"
What is the meaning of the sign that has your pinky and thumb out while it bouncing back and fourth?
What is a transition?
Stopping one activity to begin another.
Which SOP says :
Which habit means "work first, then play"?
Habit #3 (Put first things first!)
Where are we going if you hear "Eyes are forward, voice is off, and our hands are by your sides!"?
The hallway
What is the meaning of the sign that has your 2 pointer fingers cross?
What is an interrupting chicken?
This is someone who is talking when they shouldn't be. They are interrupting or blurting out instead of waiting their turn and raising their hand.
Which SOP says :
Lining Up
What is habit # 4 and what does it mean?
Think win-win (find a way to make so you win, everyone wins!)
What do you do when the phone rings or an announcement starts?
What is the meaning of the sign that has your hand touch your chin and pull it forward?
Thank you
What does it mean when you hear "Is that a big problem or small problem"?
Small problems you can take a deep breath or ask a friend whereas big problems need an adult to help fix it.
Which SOP says :
What is sneaky Habit #8?
Find your voice and inspire others to find their(discover your talents and passions!)
What do you do when the fire alarm goes off?
Stop what you're doing. Turn your voice off. Walk to the back door. Go to the fire drill spot. Turn and face the building. Wait for instructions.
What is the meaning of the sign that has a flat hand rub your heart in circles?
What does it mean to choose your own weather?
You are in charge and can choose to be in control of your emotions.
Which SOP says :
Which habit means that "working together is better"?
Habit #6 Synergize
Which rule has all 6 of these components?
1. facing forward
2. eyes looking
3. ears listening
4. hands to self
5. waiting my turn to talk
6. sitting still (criss cross, mermaid, or mountain)
Rug Rules
What is the meaning of the sign that has your pointer finger tucked under your thumb while your hand is in a fist shaking?
What does SOP stand for?
Standard Operating Procedure