A young girl burns her hand on hot grease. She has red skin and blisters.
What is a second degree burn?
You are with a friend at a party. The friend tells you she feels like her throat is closing up and she cannot breathe. She is itching and breaking out in hives.
What is anaphylaxis?
The "A" in the ABC of assessment
What is airway?
A bluish skin color
What is cyanosis?
Why is early recognition and response important
Saves lives
shortens recovery time
prevents long term disabilities
Allows victim comfort
Helps prevent situation from getting worse.
A burn that is charred and black. It includes all layers of skin.
What is a 3rd degree burn?
A friend tells you he is dizzy. He then collapses onto the floor. As a first responder, you realize he may have fainted. The treatment is
Place him on his back with legs up. Call 911 if he has heart problems or if he does not come around within a minute.
The first thing a responder must do is
Check scene safety
abnormal condition
Provides legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are injured, ill, in danger or incapacitated.
What is the Good Samaritan Law
Buddy forgot to apply sunscreen at the beach. He has red skin.
What is a first degree burn
You are driving down Church Street and witness a car wreck. The first thing a first responder does.
Make sure the scene is safe.
When assessing a victim the first step is?
Check for level of consciousness.
What is rapid breathing?
The two drugs a first responder may administer
The treatment for 1st nd 2nd degree burns
Run cool water over the burn. Cover with a loose dressing. Do not pop blisters.
A friend falls in the woods and is bleeding heavily from his left leg. The treatment is
Stop the bleed. Apply pressure to the wound. Do not remove the initial dressing.
The "b" in the ABC of assessment is
pale appearance especially the face
What is pallor
The most serious burn
3rd degree
a tool used to measure the percent of the body burned
Rule of Nines
Your friend was stung by a bee. She tells you she is allergic to bees. His face is swelling and she is having trouble breathing. You assist her with the treatment. What do you do?
Use an epi pen. Blue to the sky and orange to the thigh. Inject for 10 seconds. Rub the area. Repeat in 5-10 minutes if not better.
When checking circulation the pulse that is checked is
Carotid pulse- mid neck. Place two fingers and check for a pulse
What is bronchial tube
Important things to tell a 911 operator include:
Name of person and nature of problem
location of victim
phone number
stay on the line. Do not hang up until told to do so.