Recovery Lifestyle
Addiction Science
Halloween Pt 1
Halloween Pt 2
Coping Skills Misc.

People, Places, or Things that can cause thoughts associated with substance abuse

What are Triggers?


These are withdrawal symptoms that occur after detox

What are PAWS, Post-acute withdrawal symptoms?


The type of vegetable that is used to frighten vampires away

What is Garlic?


This spooky music video for this song cost half a million dollars, making it the most expensive video ever made at the time

What is Thriller?


In a relationship the limits an individual puts in place to protect their mental health, values, identity, and responsibility from being compromised or violated by others

What are boundaries?


"We admitted that we are powerless over alcohol and/or drugs, that our lives had become unmanageable"   

What is Step 1?


This increases as you continue to drink/use, requiring you to need more of your substance to feel the same high

What is Tolerance?


The country that celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on Oct. 31

What is Mexico?


In this movie, four men try to capture ghosts in New York City

What is Ghostbusters?


List your top 5 positive coping skills for cravings, being triggered, feeling emotional dysregulated, etc. 

Good job! (bonus pts for members in the group who can name the 5 FIT assessments)


Name 3 reasons the holidays can increase relapse risk

What is change in schedule/routine, more stress, increase in euphoric recall and/or addictive thinking, increase in grief, financial pressure, for alcohol-increase in commercials*, change in weather, being around family or around others who may be using?


The neurotransmitter associated with pleasure that highly impacts addiction

What is dopamine?


In 2004, the city of Hollywood banned the use of this party item on Halloween

What is Silly String?


The vegetable that Jack O’ Lanterns were originally made out of

What are Turnips? 


This activity brings you into the present moment, allows you to be centered, and is a proven method of de-stressing

What is mindfulness? (will also accept meditation.) 


Self-Management and Recovery Training is also known as...

What is SMART Recovery?


According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5), an individual who has been in recovery and maintained abstinence from a substance for a year or more is considered ____

What is in sustained remission?


In the movie "E.T.," this was the candy that Elliot used to find E.T.

What are Reese's Pieces? 


This famous person sadly passed away on October 31, 1926

Who is Harry Houdini?


List at least 3 ways someone can challenge cognitive distortions

What is identifying negative self-talk, recognizing; polarized thinking, overgeneralization, catastrophizing, emotional reasoning, etc., using affirmations, practicing self-compassion (shame vs guilt), avoiding using "should's", grounding techniques, journaling, exploring character strengths, etc?


This date is known as "National Recovery Day" 

What is September 30th 2012? 


The three substances with the most dangerous (for some even deadly) withdrawal symptoms. 

What is alcohol, benzodiazepines and opioids? 


This was the first country to celebrate the Halloween

What is Ireland?


The original name for what we now call Candy Corn

What is chicken feed?


The difference between an unhealthy vs healthy coping mechanism

Is it something that is providing short-term relief that is not aligned with recovery goals and/or has long-term consequences vs something that can lead to long-lasting positive outcomes?