What is my home town? (Not my college town)
Allen (Dallas)
Name all three mascots?
Pegasus, Citronaut, and the UCF Knight
Who is the new member president?
Sara Domanski
Who was Jordan's first OPhiA little?
Elle <3
What is my cat and dogs name?
Circle and JoJo
What is my two favorite colors?
Pink and Blue
When was UCF founded?
How many new members are there?
What is the official flower of OPhiA? (Color too)
Yellow Rose
What school did I transfer from?
Texas Tech (Guns up!)
What is my major?
Business Management
How many students are enrolled at UCF? (+ or - 2,000)
What sorority was Hailey in before Omega Phi Alpha
Gamma Phi Beta
What is the purpose statement?
The purpose and goals of this sorority shall be to assemble its members in the fellowship of Omega Phi Alpha, to develop friendship, leadership, and cooperation by promoting service to the university community, to the community-at-large, to the members of the sorority and to the nations of the world.
What is my birthday? (Include the year)
Sept 27, 2002
What sport/sports did I play in high school?
Soccer and Wrestling
What was the name of UCF before it was UCF?
Who is a senior?
What is the name of OPhiA's weekly newsletter?
"What's New in HQ"
How many instruments can I play? (Even if I only know how to play one scale)
What is my cars name?
How many majors are offered at UCF? (+ or - 10)
Where is Jade from?
How many years do you have to be alum to gain sapphire status?
25 years
How many piercings and tattoos do I have?
12 tattoos
13 piercings