How many months in a year?
What is one material that you need for independent reading?
a. book
b. calculator
c. phone
Tell me the name of this digit or number:
eight, 8
Tell me one of our three classroom expectations.
1. Be Kind
2. Be Safe
3. Have fun
How much space should be between you and another person?
6 feet
What month are we in right now?
How would you describe the word character?
A. A delicious dessert
B. A person or animal in a story
C. What happens in a story
B. A person or animal in a story
Tell me the name of this digit or number:
thirty four, 34
What do you need to complete on the computer BEFORE lunch?
ST Math
How long should you wash your hands for?
20 seconds
What number do we use to symbolize or represent October.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
What definition best describes the word setting?
A. A character or animal in a story
B. 2+7=9
C. Where and/or when a story takes place
C. When and/or when a story takes place
9, nine
How can you show that you are taking care of your morning meeting towel when you are done using it?
Fold it up, put it away in your spot
What 2 parts of your face should your mask cover?
Nose and mouth
How many days are in a week?
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
How would you describe the word plot?
A. What happens in a story
B. A person or animal in a story
C. Where and/or when a story takes place
A. What happens in a story
17, seventeen
If you do not complete your remote work, when will you complete it?
WIN Block
Before we enter our classroom in the morning, what do we put on our hands and rub in?
hand sanitizer
What is today's date? Write it down on a piece of paper.
____ /_____ /_____
______________ ____, __________
Oct 9 2020
October 9, 2020
What is one of the settings in the story Brave as a Mountain Lion?
Spider's House
21, twenty one
If you have a question for the class or teacher, how can you let a teacher know?
raise a quiet hand, type in the chat box
What is an example of a virtual greeting or a socially distanced greeted?
explain or act it out
virtual high five
virtual fist bump
dance move