Who were the parties involved in the American Revolution?

  1. Republicans and Democrats

  2. The British and the American Colonists

  3. Jefferson and Jackson

The British and the American Colonists


What was questionable and ironic about Thomas Jefferson?

  1. He challenged a man to a duel and let him shoot first while he stood there waiting.

  2. He wrote against slavery...but owned slaves himself.

  3. He was a man of the people but then became a powerful and dictatorial president.

It was questionable and ironic that Jefferson  wrote against slavery... but owned slaves himself.


The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of  territory by the United States from France in 1803. This purchase nearly  ________ the size of the United States.

  1. Doubled

  2. Tripled

  3. Quadrupled

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US.


Where did the Seneca Falls Convention take place?

  1. Boston, Massachusetts 

  2. Seneca Falls, New York

  3. Seneca Falls, New Jersey

Seneca Falls, New York


What was Reconstruction?

  1. It was the United State’s war against itself (Union vs. Confederacy) over the issue of slavery.

  2. It was the name of the new government after the southern states declared a victory in the war.

  3. It was the period following the Civil War when the U.S. tried to establish protections and rights for newly freed black slaves.

Reconstruction was the period following the Civil War when the U.S. tried to establish protections and rights for newly freed black slaves.


What was the cause of the American Revolution?

  1. The colonists wanted independence from Britain.

  2. France wanted to control Spain.

  3. The King wanted to split England into two countries. 

The colonists wanted independence from Britain.


Slavery was widely discussed and debated by the founding fathers of our country, yet it was left out of the Constitution.  Why?

  1. They could not come to an agreement so they decided to let citizens vote on it instead.

  2. Each of the founding fathers owned slaves themselves and did not want slavery to end.

  3. The founding fathers  agreed the  issue of slavery was too divisive and would prevent unity in forming the new nation.

The founding fathers  agreed is issue of slavery was too divisive and would prevent unity in forming the new nation.


Which is NOT true about the Corps of Discovery?

  1. Thomas Jefferson appointed Lewis and Clark as leaders of this expedition.

  2. Their goal  was to explore new territory and report back to Jefferson what they learned.

  3. The mission was unsuccessful because they were attacked by native Americans from the Sioux tribe.

It is NOT TRUE that the mission was unsuccessful because they were attacked by native Americans from the Sioux tribe.

(it was unsuccessful because they were not able to find a NW all-water passage.)


Who organized the Seneca Falls Convention?

  1. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott

  2. Abigail Adams and Martha Washington

  3. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Elizabeth Cady Stanton 


Lucretia Mott


What did the 13th Amendment do?

  1. abolished slavery

  2. gave citizenship to all people born in the US

  3. gave black Americans the right to vote

The 13th amendment Abolished slavery.


Why was The American Revolution important?

  1. Millions of people died fighting in this war.

  2. England was able to acquire a large amount of land and power because of the war.

  3. It was the beginning of a new country (the United States).

It was the beginning of a new country (the United States).


Which is NOT true about the northern states?

  1. Most of the South fought to preserve slavery.

  2. Their economy was based on industry/manufacturing. 

  3. The formed their own ‘country’ and seceded from the nation because they wanted to fight to keep slavery legal.

It is NOT TRUE that the north seceeded from the country because they wanted to fight to keep slavery legal.

(It was the SOUTH that seceded)


What did Abigail Adams write to John Adams about in her letters?

  1. Literacy for black slaves

  2. ending slavery

  3. equal rights for women

equal rights for women

(“Remember the Ladies”)


What is suffrage?

  1. The right to vote

  2. Literacy among slaves

  3. accepting women as intellectual equals of men

Suffrage is The right to vote


Which reconstruction amendment gave black Americans the right to Vote?

  1. The 13th amendment

  2. The 14th amendment

  3. The 15th amendment

The 15th amendment gave black americans the right to vote.


Which of the following statements is true about Common Sense (the 47-page pamphlet) written by Thomas Paine?

  1. It provided arguments for why colonists should split from Britain. 

  2. It was the first book of it’s time to be reproduced on the printing press.

  3. It was seized by the king of England and destroyed because it was considered treasonous.

It provided arguments for why colonists should split from Britain.


Which is NOT true about the southern states?

  1. They fought to abolish slavery.

  2. Their economy was based on agriculture/farming. 

  3. They had a lot of slaves living there.

It is NOT TRUE that they fought to abolish slavery.

(The south fought hard to keep it legal!)


Which of the following was NOT accomplished by Lewis and Clark?

  1. They mapped previously uncharted territory.

  2. They brought back journals with details of new plants and animals and native American tribes.

  3. They found a direct all-water passage from the Northwest to the Pacific Ocean.

Lewis and Clark were not able to find an all-water Northwest Passage.


Which statement is NOT true about the Seneca Falls Convention?

  1. It was the first women’s convention in the United States

  2. It was important because it gave women equal voting rights.

  3. It set the stage for all modern activism.

It was NOT TRUE that it gave women equal voting rights. This was the one thing they could not all agree on.

(women would not have these rights for many more years)


Was Reconstruction successful?

  1. Yes – Slavery was abolished and the nation was united.

  2. No – Slavery still existed and the Southern states remained independent            

  3. Partially – The nation was united but government attempts to guarantee equality and protect the rights of freed slaves were not completely effective.

Reconstruction was partially successful.  

  The nation was reunited but government attempts to guarantee equality and protect the rights of freed slaves were not completely effective.

(black codes, literacy tests, poll tasks, violence, etc.)


Who shot Alexander Hamilton?