Writing with Vocabulary


"One day when I was able to get up, I decided to look at myself in the mirror on the opposite wall. I had not seen myself since the ghetto.

From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me.

The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me."

Why does Elie Wiesel compare himself to a corpse at the conclusion of Night?

To tell the reader that Eliezer is still haunted by his experiences today



Write a grammatically correct sentence that uses a colon to introduce a quote from one of your given texts.

"Methods of Motivation" uses common scenarios to help the reader relate to the information: "Anyone who enjoys completing crossword puzzles understands motivation that is accomplishment-based. Filling in that last square gives you a feeling of success; you need no other reward."


Use the word denounce correctly in a sentence.

The students will denounce anyone who chooses bullying over kindness.


Use the word insinuate/insinuates correctly in a sentence.

I'm not trying to insinuate that you don't know how to make a grilled cheese, but please remember to butter the bread this time.



In Night, why does Wiesel describe so little of the time period between his father’s death and the liberation of Buchenwald? 1 sentence minimum.

Wiesel's father was his last link to humanity.  After his death, Wiesel focused only on survival, acting more animal than human.

Wiesel also may have been traumatized by his father's death, so he doesn't remember that time.

Every day was the same, so there was nothing worth mentioning.

The manuscript was edited heavily, so some events may have been cut out.


One relative pronoun is which.

List at least 3 more relative pronouns.








(10.39) What is a synonym for denounce?

Even hatred at times may elicit a response. You fight it. You denounce it. You disarm it.



Use the word incensed correctly in a sentence.

Clearly incensed, Katie balled her fists and glared at the speaker.



What is significant about the following passage (Night, Chapter 3)? Explain in a minimum of 3 sentences. You might consider the point of view, tone, or use of language.

NEVER SHALL I FORGET that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. 

Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. 

Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. 

Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. 

Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself. 


Most of Night is told from Elie's perspective as a teenager, but this passage changes to Elie's point of view as an adult.

Wiesel uses the repetition of "never shall I forget" to show the lasting impact that the Holocaust (more specifically, watching people being murdered at Auschwitz) has had on his life. 

He also uses powerful language and imagery ("flames that consumed my faith" "nocturnal silence" "turned my dreams to ashes") so that the scene stands out to the reader.

The tone could be described as sorrowful, hopeless, haunted...


Catching a big fish made the day at the lake worthwhile even if we had to leave home before the sun coming up.

Catching a big fish made the day at the lake worthwhile even if we had to leave home before the sun came up.



Banquo says, "In the great hand of God I stand, and thence against the undivulged pretense I fight of treasonous malice."
What is a synonym for malice?

Evil Act


Use the word predominant correctly in a sentence.

Green and grey will be the predominant colors in this year's fashion catalog.


(10.2)Everybody around us was weeping. Someone began to recite Kaddish, the prayer for the dead. I don't know whether, during the history of the Jewish people, men have ever before recited Kaddish for themselves.

"Yisgadal, veyiskadash, shmey raba...May His name be celebrated and sanctified..." whispered my father.

For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify His name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for?

Wiesel’s reaction to the others says the Jewish prayer for the dead adds to the development of theme mainly by  

demonstrating the change in his relationship with God from complete faith to doubt and anger


Which of these is written in a formal tone?  Explain why.

Examining ways that people prepare and eat food can reveal personal tastes, table manners, family roles, and cultural and geographical identities.

But to my way of thinking food’s a window into another culture or a mirror that reflects a person’s culture back to them.

Formal- Examining ways that people prepare and eat food can reveal personal tastes, table manners, family roles, and cultural and geographical identities.

Grammatically correct, in 3rd-person, uses more formal wording.



Although he doesn't say it directly, Lennox __ that he does not trust Macbeth. 






Use the word malice correctly in a sentence.

There was no logical reasoning behind the attack; it was simply an act of malice.



"The Perils of Indifference" and Night address similar subject matter; how do they each emphasize different details?  

Why do they emphasize different details?

3 sentence minimum.

Both of these texts are written by Elie Wiesel and are centered around the Holocaust.

Night shows Wiesel's Holocaust experience as a teenage boy.  It focuses on his personal experiences, emotions, and development. "The Perils of Indifference" focuses on the responsibility of bystanders and the dangers of indifference.  It was written in the late 1990s when Wiesel was older and had a different perspective on the Holocaust. He questions why the United States did not get involved in WW2 sooner and hopes that this will not happen in future inhumane situations.

The texts emphasize different details because Night is a memoir, which is written to give a firsthand account of the Holocaust, and "Perils of Indifference" is a speech, written to inspire Americans not to let history repeat itself.


Coffee, a beverage that many entrepreneurs depend on, it is not only stimulating and delicious, but also comforting

Coffee, a beverage that many entrepreneurs depend on, is not only stimulating and delicious, but also comforting



Macbeth is described as "valiant" because he 

fights courageously in battle and is victorious.


Use the word homage correctly in a sentence.

At the assembly, the students paid homage to the famous poet by reciting his famous poems.