The human condition
Putting it into practice
Harder Definitions

TRUE or FALSE: It is has been scientifically proven that humans are incapable of multitasking.


These are the three steps in the note-taking process.

What is observe, record, review.


The psychologist Donald Hebb said that "Neurons which fire together, ___________ together."

Please provide the missing word *and* explain what he means

Wire. It means that when information is linked together in your brain, you are more likely to remember one piece of information if you remember the other piece.


To perform more than one task at the same time.

What is multitasking?


The form of the language used by educated speakers and writers.

What is Standard English?


This theory is a model for understanding the motivations of human behavior by categorizing human needs into 5 levels.

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


The acronym SMART breaks down how to set effective goals, with each letter standing for a trait that the goal should have. What does each letter stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timebound (or Timely)


The acronym SPUNKI details key words in six questions you can ask about anything you want to read and remember. 

What does each letter stand for?

S- surprising, P- puzzling, U- useful, N- new, K- knew, I- Interesting


Your guide to a course and what will be expected of you over the course of the quarter. It is created by your professor/teacher.

What is a syllabus?


When you take full accountability for your actions, decisions and thoughts and more.

What is personal responsibility?


TRUE or FALSE: Memory is something you have, and is an inactive process.


Memory is something you DO and is an active process.


This is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks.

What is the Pomodoro technique?


Please list 5 qualities of being a Master Student.

Possible answers: Inquisitive, able to focus attention, willing to change, able to organize and sort, competent, joyful, able to suspend judgment, energetic, well, self-aware, responsible, willing to take risks, willing to participate, a generalist, willing to accept paradox, courageous, self-directed, spontaneous, relaxed about grades, “tech” savvy, intuitive, creative, willing to be uncomfortable, optimistic, willing to laugh, hungry (for knowledge), willing to work, caring.


To place a group of items in order from most important to least important.

What is to prioritize?


Awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.

What is metacognition?


Please list at least 3 of the types of intelligence as defined by Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

The intelligences are: verbal/linguistic intelligence, mathematical/logical intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence, bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, musical/rhythmic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence.


List 1 way we discussed that you could study class material (we learned at least 4 ways).

Rewrite your notes, retrieval practice, flashcards, create a study guide, Q-cards


When does each of the 3 phases of muscle reading take place?

Phase 1: before you read, phase 2: while you read, phase 3: after you read.

A practice of being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment. It's about paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

What is mindfulness?


Any learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval in the human memory, often by associating the information with something that is easier to remember.

What is a mnemonic device?


List at least 3 ways that you can help yourself to remember other people's names (the text listed 12 ways).

Recite/repeat in convo, ask again, visualize, admit you don't know, intro yourself again, use associations, limit the # of names you learn at once, ask for photo, go early, make it a game, use technology, intend to remember.

Please list at least 3 ways to end procrastination

Break tasks into smaller categories, journal your thoughts on why you feel stressed to do the task, reduce distractions, forgive yourself because you can do better next time, trick yourself into getting started, let feelings follow action, choose to work under pressure, think ahead, play with antiprocrastination apps, create goals that can move you forward


Please describe each step of the Master Student Process: 

Discovery - Intent - Action 

Discovery: observing your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and current circumstances.

Intent: choosing the new outcomes you’d like to create.

Action: following through on your intentions with new behaviors.


The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.

What is workflow?


The ability to find information from appropriate sources, evaluate it, organize it, and use it to achieve a purpose; in a world where data is literally at your fingertips.

What is information literacy?