Som Big'nnor
Advanced Student

Наверное, Стив построил дом из дерева.

Steve might have builded his house out of wood.

Steve can have builded his house out of wood. 

Steve SHOULD have builded his house out of wood. 

Steve MIGHT have builded his house out of wood.


Энжи не нужно было готовить вчера вечером. (зря готовила) 

Angie can't have cooked last night.

Angie need't have cooked last night.

Angie didn't need to cook last night.

Angie need't have cooked last night.


Сэм сказал что не купит Теслу завтра.

Sam said he won't buy Tesla the next day.

Sam said he wouldn't buy Tesla the next day.

Sam said I won't bought Tesla tomorrow.

Sam said he wouldn't buy Tesla the next day.

("I won't buy Tesla tomorrow.", Sam said.)


Дети сказали что они не ходили в лес.

The children denied going to the forest.

The children denied having gone to the forest.

The children denied that they had gone to the forest.

The children denied going to the forest.

The children denied having gone to the forest.

The children denied that they had gone to the forest.

("We didn't go to the forest," the children said.)


(Тим сказал мне не трогать его книгу.)

Tim told me (touch) his book.

Tim told me not to touch his book.

("Don't touch my book," Tim told me.)


(Тебе не следовало звонить Алексу.)

You (call) Alex. 

You shouldn't have called Alex. 


(Вы, должно быть, очень устали вчера.)

You (be tired) yesterday.

You must have been tired yesterday.


(Мистер Чан предложил написать эссе.)

Mr Chan suggested (write) an essay.

Mr Chan suggested writing an essay.

("Why don't you write an essay?" Mr Chan said.)


(Кейт спросила меня, сплю ли я.)

Kate asked me that you was sleeping. 

Kate asked me if I was sleeping.

Kate asked me whether I was sleeping.

("Are you sleeping?", Kate asked me.)


(Мэри предупредила меня чтобы я не ездил слишком быстро.)

Mary warned me that don't drive too fast.

Mary warned me not to drive too fast.

("Don't drive too fast," Mary said to me.)


(Им не пришлось много платить за ремонт.)

They didn't needed to paid much for the renovation.

They didn't need to pay much for the renovation.


(Майк пожаловался что погода ужасная.)

Mike complained if the weather is terrible.

Mike complained that the weather was terrible.

("The weather is terrible!" Mike told me.)


"You must finish your project on time," my boss told me.


My boss insisted that I (must) finish my project on time.

My boss insisted on me finishing my project on time.


It's not possible that John bought that yacht!


John can't have bought that yacht!


"Don't forget to send me the report," Nicole told me.


Nicole reminded me to send her the report.


"My father gave me this car," said George.


George boasted that his father had given him that car.