
Formerly colonised by the Dutch and the British, this country has 13 states and 3 federal territories. Being a constitutional monarchy, many citizens from this south-east asian country often travel to a neighbouring country for job opportunities using the Woodlands causeway. For the point, name this country which is home to Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor Bahru.



This region’s Avenue of Stars is home to a 2.5 meter bronze statue of Bruce Lee. Macau is separated from this region by the Pearl River Delta. The “one country, two systems policy” governs, for the point, what special administration region in southern China which translates, in Chinese, to “fragrant harbour”?

hong kong


In England, the Premier League traditionally hosts a full slate of matches on the day after this holiday. Street markets named for this holiday are popular in Germany and Austria. In Singapore, this holiday event is often celebrated by hanging mistletoes outside of one’s house and eating a namesake logcake. For the point, name this holiday event related to Jesus Christ.



The lowest band on the flag of Mauritius is this color. Most of the flags in North Africa and the Middle East feature this color, due to a common religion. Until 2011, the flag of Libya was entirely made up of this color. For the point, name this color, often associated with Islam, which also denotes environmentally-oriented political parties.



 The flag of Anguilla includes a crest with three of these animals on it. The baiji are a breed of this animal in China that has likely been driven extinct by the Three Gorges Dam and other human activity. For the point, name this echolocating type of marine animal which includes species like the bottlenose.



Slaves in this country developed capoeira, a martial art that combines acrobatics, dance, and music. For the point, name this largest country of South America where the statue of Christ the Redeemer overlooks Rio de Janeiro.



The highest art gallery on Earth can be found near the top of this city’s 63 building. The Han river flows through this city, where an affluent neighbourhood inspired the song “Gangnam Style”. For the point, name this capital of South Korea.



In its north, the Strait of Kerch connects this body of water to the Sea of Azov. The 2014 Winter Olympics were held along this sea’s city of Sochi. The Bosphorus connects the Sea of Marmara to this sea north of Turkey. For the point, name this sea whose name is that of a colour.

black sea


This tourist attraction is the first UNESCO world heritage site of a south-east asian country with the pseudonym of being a “fine city”. With a mission to provide botanical support for the nation’s greening plans, for the point, name this tourist attraction in Singapore that has a MRT station named after it.

botanic gardens


This river, which used to flow in the opposite direction, shares its name with the largest rainforest on earth. For ten points, name this river in South America that provides 20% of the world’s freshwater supply, and is also the world’s largest river in terms of volume.

amazon river


This country’s central region includes the Yushan Mountains and Sun Moon Lake. Kaohsiung is the largest city and port in the south of this country. A skyscraper in this country was inspired by the shape of bamboo and is named for its 101 stories. This island formerly known as Formosa is led by the Kuomintang. For the point, name this country with capital Taipei.



The Palm Islands and The World are artificial island groups located in the Persian Gulf in this city. For the point, name the most populous city of the United Arab Emirates, home to a 7 star hotel known as the Burj Al Arab. 



Half of the world’s hydrothermal features are found in this park, which is also home to a geyser named due to eruption at regular intervals For the point, name this National Park found mostly in Wyoming, the oldest in the United States, whose name is a compound word made up of the colour of cheese and an object?

yellowstone national park


 This feature’s Jinshanling section crosses extremely steep slopes. Its longest section stretches from Mount Hu to the Jiayu Pass. For the point, name this structure completed by Qin Shihuangdi in Northern China, whose native name refers to its length of ten thousand li.

great wall of china


Recently, this sporting event was diplomatically boycotted by many countries, including the US, citing the country’s human rights abuses. For the point, name this sporting event that will be held this year in the country with the world’s largest population.

2022 winter olympics


This country experienced an inflation crisis in the year 2018. It is home to geographical features such as lake Maracaibo as well as the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. For ten points, name this South American country east of Colombia with capital Caracas.



An edifice found in this city is cleaned twice yearly using brooms dipped in rose water. One artifact in this city is found in the Masjid al-Haram and is circled seven times in the ritual of tawaf. For the point, name this city that contains the Kaaba, the holiest city in Islam, a city that all adult muslims must visit at least once in their lifetime.



Known to chew on eucalyptus leaves, this animal can sleep for up to 20 hours a day. In Queensland, this animal is tracked and counted by drones using infra-red cameras. For the point, name this grey-coloured animal native to Australia.



Mount Sidley, this place’s highest volcano, is located in its Marie Byrd Land. This region’s highest point is in the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains, and claimed solely by Chile. Vinson Massif is on this continent, whose Mount Erebus is on the Ross Ice Shelf. For the point, Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is on what continent?



Piracy is widespread in this body of water’s Riau archipelago. The cities of Port Klang and Medan are on this body of water’s coast. Phuket Island is used by geographers to define the northern limit of this body of water. This body of water must be passed through to reach ports such as Singapore. For the point, name this body of water that separates peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. 

straits of malacca


This landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central and South Asia experienced a state of anarchy in 2021. This country’s former president, Ashraf Ghani, fled the country in that year. For the point, name this country with a capital at Kabul and was taken over by the Taliban in 2021.



Known as the city of a thousand minarets, this city’s Tahrir Square was a major focal point of the Arab Spring. For the point, name the most populous city in Africa which lies along the Nile River, the capital of Egypt.



This disease originated from the Ganges delta in India during the 19th century. With an estimated 4 million cases of this disease yearly, this virus has mainly plagued countries such as Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Somalia. For the point, name this acute diarrhoeal spread through fecal matter that can kill within hours if left untreated, whose name sounds like the chemical chlorine.



Dettifoss is an extremely strong one of these features found near Iceland. The second-tallest one of these features in the world is located in the Drakensberg Mountains and on the Tugela River. An extremely large one of these objects is located near Livingstone on the Zambezi River. Horseshoe and Bridal Veil are two of these objects on the U.S.-Canadian border. For the point, name these natural features that include Victoria and Niagara.



One country claims this territory within the "nine-dash line" in this body of water. For the point, name this southeast Asian Sea located between Vietnam, the Philippines, and its namesake country; which makes up the western arm of the Pacific Ocean.

south china sea