What are trees that have cones and needle-shaped leaves, and keep their leaves during the winter?
What is Coniferous Trees.
What group of people took over most of Western Europe in the 1800s?
What is the Romans
What Western Europe is shaped by
What is Wind, Water, and ice.
Western Europe is located by which ocean
What is the Atlantic Ocean
About how many Jews died during the Holocaust
What is 6 million
What are trees that lose their leaves in the autumn?
What is Deciduous Trees
Which two countries fought for over 100 years?
What is England and France
What is the North Sea rich in?
What is Oil and Gas.
The islands have about how many different kinds of birds
What is 200
How many countries demanded that Germany pay for the damages of the war
What is 4 ( United Kingdom, France, Italy, and USA)
What is a walls or barrier to hold back water?
What is a dike
Who proposed the theory that planets orbit around the sun?
Who is Nicolaus Copernicus
What are the two mountain ranges in Western Europe
What is the Pyrenees and the Alps
What climate makes up most of Western Europe
What is Mediterranean
About when was Hitler the dictator of Germany
What is 1930 (exact answer is 1933)
What are the strong winds that travel from west to east?
What is the Westerlies
What time period did the economy become more industrialized
What is the Middle Ages.
What separates Southern England from Northern France.
What is the English Channel
What stream makes the north a tropical climate.
What is the Gulf Stream
When was WWI fought between
What is 1914 through 1918
What is the part of the sea that connects to the lower end of a river?
What is Estuary
What years did people began to use steam-powered machines to improve labor.
What is around 1830 (Within 10 years will do)
What river begins in the Alps and empties in the North Sea and also serves as a natural political boundary.
What is the Rhine River.
Western Europe is located in what latitudes
What is Northern Latitudes
What helped lead to WWI. Rivalries for new territory, economic power, and _________ _______.
What is Political Changes