Ottomans & Safavids
Mughal Empire
Ming China
Tokugawa japan
Russian Empire

Who founded the Ottoman Empire, where?

What territories were conquered by the Ottoman and how did they conquer? 

Osman, turkish muslim tribal group leader- Anatolia

Conquered with gunpowder weaponry, conquered Constantinople (Istanbul), Athens, Cairo, Hungary, and Baghdad


Who founded the empire?

-Babur, claimed to be a descendent of Turkish Muslim Mongol leaders from central Asia


How was the Ming dynasty founded?

-The Black Death was causing chaos in the Yaun (Mongol) dynasty, which led to peasant rebellions. Zhu Yuanzhang led one of these rebellions and was successful, becoming the founder of the Ming Dynasty where he focused on restoring order and stability


Where is Japan located? What two things are from China/Chinese influence, and what 1 thing is native to Japan?

- Series of islands off the coast of East Asia

-Kanji (characters) and Shinokosho (the four main occupation hierarchy, ruling class, farmers, craftsmen, merchants) were all because of China

-Shinto is the native Japanese religion.


Summarize the origins of the Russian Empire; who first controlled, who liberated, what was their new title

-Mongols originally controlled via collected tribute; money

-Prince Ivan III (from Moscow) fought back and was able to liberate Russia from Mongol Rule

-Gave himself title Tsar/Czar, relating to Caesar, in a way claiming that this will be the third Roman Empire (Orthodox Christianity lives on)


Describe the power structure of the Ottoman Empire. How was succession decided?

-Sultan; absolute monarch (not a religious figure)

-assisted by a large imperial bureaucracy

-Grand Vizer (Prime minister)

*no clear line of succession, fratricide*


What did the Mughals conquer nearly all of? How did they conquer, use the conquerment of Delhi as an example.

-South Asia

-Panipat(Delhi), used gunpowder weaponry, ex. cannons, that scared the elephants who then trampled the Mughal's opponents.


4 key things we learned about what Zhu did/was?

-Changed his name to Hongwe

-Brought back the Civil Service Exams

-Gave land to help peasants, since he was one, preventing rebellion

-Was despotic, abusing his total power


How was society like middle ages Europe?

*Decentralized feudal society*

-Emeror:1, spiritual power

-Shogun:1, Military leader, took power of Emperor

-Diamyo: "lords"

-Samurai: "knights"


How did Ivan IV rule? 3 key terms relating to him

-Cruel tyrant (Ivan the terrible)

-Oprichniki; secert police that massacred boyars; land owners, in Novgorod to control power/ make Ivan the greatest power

-St Basil's Cathedral; a very pretty structure, so pretty in fact Ivan decided it should never be recreated and he ensured this by blinding the architect


What did conquered lands have to pay?

-Devshirme "blood tax"; they would give slave Christian boys who would undergo Turkification and serve the Sultan, becoming Janissaries (elite fighters) or even the Grand Vizer.


Under whom did the Mughal Empire experience a Golden Age, why?

-Akbar, gained wealth because of maritime trade


Who was Youngle? what did he focus on?

One of many sons of Hongwe, when Youngle came to power he focused on showing off the power of the Ming dynasty


What was the Sengoku Period, who brought gunpowder and catholicism around this time?  

-Period of unrest because Daimyos were fighting to be Shogun

-Portuguese brought those things

The Romanov family focused on expanding Russian territory and westernization, what bodies of water/seas did they aquire to do this?

-Went through Siberia to the Pacific-New world trade

-Caspian and Aral Sea-Ottoman and central Asia trade

-Black and Baltic sea- Mediterranean + northern Europe 


What religion did the Ottomans follow?

How about the Safavids?

Sunni Islam

Shi'a Islam


Was Akbar open-minded and accepting of other religions?

Yes, he was very progressive wanting peace and harmony 


What 2 things occurred during Youngle's rule?

-The Forbidden City, a huge palace, was constructed over the course of 10 years

-The voyages of Zheng He; went of 7 voyages where he showed the Ming's power and brought back tribute from lands; tribute could be animals or various precious exports 


Tokugawa Ieyasu unified Japan establishing a _____ ____ , launching a period of peace.

What are 3 key things that happened during this time?

_Dynastic_  _Shogunate_


-Capital moved to Edo(Tokyo)

-Sankin-kotai; Hostage System = policy, daimyo or family, needed to reside in capital, making those residents hostages if daimyo decided to rebel.


Peter the Great focused of Westernization, what are 3 ways he did this?

-The Grand Embassy; was incognito in several European contries to learn their secrets (trade by sea grows empire)

-Beard Tax; cause beards are yucky and not western

-St Petersburg; Peter conquered Swedish state, new capital very west of Russia


What are the three things we need to know about the Safavid Empire?

-Followed Shi'a Islam

-Located in present-day Persia

-Conquered with gunpowder weapons


What was the Taj Mahal? Why was its symmetry broken?

-mausoleum for Shah Jahan's wife

-Shah Jahan planned to have his own mausoleum when he died, but because of budget, his tomb was added next to his wifes, breaking the symmetry of the Taj Mahal


What happened after the death of Youngle?

-Zheng He's voyages were stopped; and a period of isolation

-The Great Wall was rebuilt for protection


Why was Japan isolated, what was the name of those policies?

What happened to the Martyrs of Japan?

What was the only city where trade occurred, and which European group was allowed?

-Tokugawa rulers believed that foreign ideas would lead to disruption;   Sakoku

-Martyrs of Japan; Christian missionaries who were captured and tortured for spreading Christianity

-Nagasaki; port city, mostly Asian civilizations allowed, Dutch (Dutch East India Company) allowed to come because they didn't try to convert


Good Luck!
