A primagravida asks the nurse about the purpose of the RhoGam injection. What would be the best explanation by the nurse?

1. RhoGam changes the RH positive fetus to Rh negative.

2. RhoGam prevents the mother from forming Rh antibodies.

3. RhoGam inhibits Rh antibodies in the newborn infant.

4. RhoGam destroys antibodies in the RH positive mother.

2. RhoGam prevents the mother from forming Rh antibodies.


On the fetal heart monitor you see early decelerations. What is the cause of this finding?*

  • A. The baby’s head is pressing against the pelvis or soft tissue
  •  B. It is due to uteroplacental insufficiency.
  •  C. It is caused by cord compression.
  •  D. It is caused by a prolapsed uterus.

  • A. The baby’s head is pressing against the pelvis or soft tissue

On assessment of a client who is 30 minutes into the fourth stage of labor, the nurse finds the client's perineal pad saturated with blood and blood soaked into the bed linen under the client's buttocks. The nurse's initial action is which of the following.
A. Call the physician
B. Assess the client's vital signs
C. Gently massage the uterine fundus
D. Administer a 300ml bolus of a 20 units/L Oxytocin(Pitocin) solution

C. Gently massage the uterine fundus


he mother of a newborn calls the clinic and reports that when cleaning the umbilical cord, she noticed that the cord was moist and that discharge was present. What is the most appropriate nursing instruction for this mother?
1.Bring the infant to the clinic.
2.This is a normal occurrence.
3.Increase the number of times that the cord is cleaned per day.
4.Monitor the cord for another 24 to 48 hours and call the clinic if the discharge continues.

1.Bring the infant to the clinic.


 Your patient is 8-years-old. What stage of psychosocial development, according to Erikson's Theory, should this child be in?(Required)

 A. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

 B. Initiative vs. Guilt

C. Industry vs. Inferiority

D. Identify vs. Role Confusion

C. Industry vs. Inferiority


During a prenatal visit a patient tells you her last menstrual period was January 20, 2016. Based on the Naegele's Rule, when is the estimated due date of her baby?

October 27, 2016


The nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving oxytocin (Pitocin) to induce labor. Which assessment finding would cause the nurse to immediately discontinue the infusion?

1. fatigue
2. drowsiness
3. uterine hyperstimulation
4. early decelerations of the fetal heart rate

3. uterine hyperstimulation


t has been 12 hours since the client's delivery of a newborn. The nurse assesses the client for the process of involution and documents that it is progressing normally when palpation of the client's fundus is noted at which level?
A. At the umbilicus
B. One fingerbreadth below the umbilicus
C. Two fingerbreadth above the umbilicus
D. Two fingerbreadth below the umbilicus

A. At the umbilicus


The nurse assisted with the delivery of a newborn. Which nursing action is most effective in preventing heat loss by evaporation?
1.Warming the crib pad
2.Closing the doors to the room
3.Drying the infant with a warm blanket
4.Turning on the overhead radiant warmer

3.Drying the infant with a warm blanket


A nurse is preparing to administer recommended vaccines tot a two month old infant. Which of the following should the nurse expect to administer? SATA

1. Rotavirus

2. DTaP

3. Hib

4. Hep A

5. PCV13

6. IPV

1, 2, 3, 6, 5 (B DR HIP)


A pregnant client's initial blood work shows a negative rubella titer. The nurse is aware this result indicates what important course of action?

1. Client needs to be isolated until delivery.

2. Client is immune to rubella currently.

3. Client should be given rubella vaccine after delivery.

4. Client has never been exposed to rubella.

3. Client should be given rubella vaccine after delivery.


◦The nurse is monitoring a client in preterm labor who is receiving IV magnesium sulfate. The nurse should monitor for which adverse effects of this medication? (select all that apply)

1. flushing
2. hypertension
3. increased urine output
4. depressed respirations
5. extreme muscle weakness
6. hyperactive deep tendon reflexes

1, 4, 5


A nurse is preparing a list of self-care instructions for a postpartum client who was diagnosed with mastitis. Which of the following instructions would be included on the list?
A. Wear a supportive bra
B. Rest during the acute phase
C. Maintain a fluid intake of at least 3000 ml
D Continue to breast-feed if the breasts are not too sore.
E. Take the prescribed antibiotics until the soreness subsides.
F. Avoid decompression of the breasts by breast-feeding or breast pump.



The nurse is caring for a term newborn. Which assessment finding would alert the nurse to suspect the potential for jaundice in this infant?
1.Presence of a cephalhematoma
2.Infant blood type of O negative
3Birth weight of 8 pounds 6 ounces
4.A negative direct Coombs' test result

1.Presence of a cephalhematoma


A nurse is assisting with preparing a toddler for IV catheter insertion using atraumatic care. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? SATA

1. Reinforce the procedure with the child's favorite toy

2. Ask the parents to leave

3. Assist with performing the procedure with the child in his bed

4. Allow the child one choice regarding the procedure

5. apply lidocaine to the possible procedure sites 



1. A client at 28 weeks' gestation is admitted to the labor and birth unit. Which test would most likely be used to assess the client's comprehensive fetal status?
a. Amniocentesis.

b. Biophysical profile (BPP).

c. Nonstress test (NST).

d. Ultrasound for physical structure.

b. Biophysical profile (BPP).


A nurse is evaluating the mother-infant bonding process during the postpartum period. An indication of a maladaptive interaction would be if the mother:
A. Expressed discomfort with the role of motherhood
B. Encouraged the nurse to feed the baby
C. Showed that she was willing to learn how to care for the umbilical cord
D. Talked to the baby

B. Encouraged the nurse to feed the baby


Which would be considered a normal finding in a newborn less than 12 hours old?
1.Grunting respirations
2.Heart rate of 190 beats/min
3.Bluish discoloration of the hands and feet
4.A yellow discoloration of the sclera and body

3.Bluish discoloration of the hands and feet


A nurse is collecting data on about pain to a 4-month old child. Which pain scale should the nurse use?



C. Oucher

D. Non communicating pain checklist



 A patient who is 25 weeks pregnant has partial placenta previa. As the nurse you're educating the patient about the condition and self-care. Which statement by the patient requires you to re-educate the patient?

  • A. "I will avoid sexual intercourse and douching throughout the rest of the pregnancy."
  • B. "I may start to experience dark red bleeding with pain." 
  • C. "I will have another ultrasound at 32 weeks to re-assess the placenta's location."
  • D. "My uterus should be soft and non-tender."

B. "I may start to experience dark red bleeding with pain."


During a vaginal examination, the nurse palpates fetal buttocks that are facing the left posterior and are 1 cm above the ischial spines. Which of the following is consistent with this assessment?

a. LOA -1 station
b. LSP -1 station
c. LMP +1 station
d. LSA +1 station

b. LSP -1 station


Methylergonovine (Methergine) is prescribed for a woman who has just delivered a healthy newborn infant. The priority assessment before administering the medication is to check the clients:
A. Lochia
B. Uterine tone
C. Blood pressure
D. Deep tendon reflexes

C. Blood pressure


The nurse is caring for a post-term, small-for-gestational age (SGA) newborn infant immediately after admission to the nursery. What should the nurse monitor as the priority?
1.Urinary output
2.Total bilirubin levels
3.Blood glucose levels
4.Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels

3.Blood glucose levels


A mother calls the pediatric clinic to ask when her daughter will receive the Varicella vaccine. Your answer to her question is

  • A. at 2, 4, and 6 months
  • B. at 12 months and 4-6 years
  • C. at 6 and 12 months 
  • D. at 4 months and 4-6 years