Many Meanings
the idea
what were the details
What's that mean?


to exert force onto something/ to be popular 


Society, though not perfect, is a working group of people trying to live together in peace. For the most part, people tend to obey the laws set before them and abide by societal codes. However, some people believe the government has made desperate errors, and they wish to change the status quo only to bring peace again in a different way. Those people begin what are known as social movements. These are small groups within societies that seek change. These social movements can rally around anything from saving eagles to saving trees and once a social movement is in motion, it either is taken into society or fizzles out. 

what social movements are 





my attempt to elicit information over the phone was met with a whole lot of irrelevant information 

to draw forth, bring out from a source, to get


where is the Eiffel Tower located?

France (Paris)



someone who is mean/ an abrupt movement 


Nature is valued highly in many cultures. The majestic trail of a mountainside or the ever expanding glittering seas can inspire people everywhere. Painters, designers, poets, architects, and various other artists have drawn strength and enlightenment from magnificent works of nature such as these. Among those gifted people, poets seem to be the best at expressing the awe and wonder of viewing art in nature. William Wordsworth is just that kind of poet. He believed that nature is healing for troubled minds, extending clarity to the lives of humans. His poetic works have inspired nature-lovers for centuries by displaying the true beauty that only a seasoned writer, like Wordsworth, can accurately depict.

Nature has inspired many types of artists/writers/poets etc. 





An overworked parent may be unlikely to indulge the complaints of a petulant child that cries over everything

easily irritated or upset


What is the world's fastest animal 






The idea that women are not equal to men has been a prevailing, common theme in literature since the beginning of time. Like their predecessors, Renaissance writers laid down the belief that women were less valuable throughout the pages of many literary writings, where women are alternately idolized as virtuous or shunned for their bodies. One man proved to be a glaring contradiction to this falsity. That man was William Shakespeare and he had the courage in those days to recognize the value and equality of women. His portrayal of women differed than that of many other writers during the Renaissance era.

What's the main idea?

Even though many Res. writers wrote that men and women weren't equal, Shakespeare did discuss women as equals. 




The rain permeated all of my clothing and reduced the map in my pocket to a soggy mess

soak through


What city is known as the city of brotherly love 




a vegetable; to stomp on; to put an end to


America has been hailed as “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” ever since that frightful night Francis Scott Key penned the words to The Star-Spangled Banner. He believed (as the First Amendment guaranteed) that America was a place where freedom would reign, and every person had the right to pursue every dream. This may have been true for citizens of the U.S., but not so for many immigrants who chose this great country as their home. In fact, many of these travelers have experienced horror beyond imagination. Often, their stories are not ones with happy endings; rather, they experienced hopelessness trying to achieve the American Dream – a dream that was not theirs to have.

What's the main idea?

Despite the belief that every american person is entitled to the American Dream, it is not true for every person, especially immigrants 




I cannot be sure, but I surmise that she would not accept my apology even if I made it on my knees 

to think/believe without supporting evidence/ to guess 


which parts of our bodies keep growing for the rest of our lives 

ears and nose



a player in baseball; something you pour liquid out of 



Children dream of the day when they will be grown up. They will no longer have bedtimes, bath- times, curfews, or any other restrictions. They believe that being an experienced adult will truly give them freedom. Then they grow up. They are saddled by bills, responsibilities, sleepiness, and an overwhelming urge for more vacations. Now they long for the days they could roam free all summer without a care in the world. Innocence has always battled with experience. Taking one view, author William Wordsworth believed that innocence was the best state and could not see past the golden time of youth, whereas author Charlotte Smith believed that maturity offered the most to people through wisdom.

What is the main idea?

Innocence and Experience are battled to be better OR Children want to be grown until they realize what comes being an adult




I submitted my application for the program last minute so I had to ask the front office to expedite it so it would make it to the director on time

progress faster/ 


how many arms does a starfish have