Roaring 20s
Causes of GD and Hoover
Roosevelt and Effects of GD
Regents Review/Misc.

Which major event in US history kickstarted the roaring 20s and Harlem Renaissance and why?

WWI; Economic Boom and African Americans fighting for democracy abroad


The official start and short-term cause of the Great Depression

Black Tuesday and "Rush on the Banks"


What really ended the Great Depression?



This event served as the short-term cause of US entry into WWII.

Pearl Harbor


Journalism designed to provoke [cause] an emotional response to increase sales. Usually done by unique headlines and broad claims based on limited facts

Yellow Journalism


A social movement of middle to upper class women who challenged traditional gender norms through fashion and leisure activities

Flapper Culture


Hoover was a supporter of this economic model that provided funding to major businesses in the hopes of having that wealth stimulate the economy.

Trickle Down Economics

What were the major effects of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s? (be specific)

Migration of people from the Great Plains to California


What effect did WWII have on the US labor market? (several answers are applicable) 

-Many industrial positions were filled by women and African Americans, and Mexicans (especially the Bracero program)


The foreign policy under Teddy Roosevelt that allowed the US to get involved in foreign affairs if its interests were at risk

Roosevelt Corollary


Who was Langston Hughes?

A Harlem Renaissance Poet


Hoover believed average Americans needed to do what to get through the Great Depression

Figure it out...more specifically "pick themselves up by their bootstraps"


The three R's of Roosevelt's New Deal

Relief - for struggling Americans

Recovery - for businesses

Reform - of the US economy


What were Roosevelt's Four Freedoms

-Freedom of Speech and Religion

-Freedom from Want and Fear


This gave newly freed slaves and poor whites benefits including medical care, jobs, and an education.

What is the Freedmen's Bureau?


This African American leader was famous for the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), the Back to Africa Movement, and his ideas on Black Nationalism.

Marcus Garvey


The act of buying stocks on a loan

"Buying on the Margin" or Stock Speculation


What effect did Roosevelt's New Deal policies have on American History?

Greatly expanded the role of government in the lives of Americans


What role were Native Americans most famous for during WWII for the war effort.

Navajo Code Talkers --> Translating orders into the Navajo Language


The decision in Dred Scott v. Stanford had what effect on the institution of Slavery in the US?

What is "allowed slavery in any state, regardless if free/slave"


This trial between modernists and fundamentalists questioned the place of religion in public school after a high school teacher taught the Theory of Evolution.

Scopes Monkey Trial


List two long-term causes of the Great Depression.

-Few government regulations over the economy

-Weak international economy

-Unequal distribution of wealth during the 1920s

-Excessive use of credit

-Business Consolidation


List three examples of New Deal Programs

-Agricultural Adjustment Act

-Federal Deposit Insurance Company

-Securities and Exchange Commission

-Social Security Act

-Works Progress Administration


Which two government programs provided arms and war materials to combatants in Europe before US entry into WWII?

-Cash and Carry

-Lend-Lease Act


3 Ways in which colonists resisted British Rule before the American Revolution


-Boston Tea Party

-Stamp Act Congress

-Non-Importation Movement

-Continental Congress