Citizen You!
The 3 Branches
U.S. History
Florida Government
World Politics

Two German citizens travel into the United States and have a child in Florida. Would the child be a U.S. citizen and why?

Yes, by the law of soil.


Which branch is responsible for creating laws?

The Legislative Branch


State the order in which the following were created:

The Constitution

The Articles of Confederation

The Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution.


Without consulting your team: 

True or False: Each state has its own Constitution.



Generally speaking, why does the United States get involved in wars across the globe?

To promote democracy, to stop communism, to protect itself, to be the world police, etc.


An American citizen travels to Italy and meets the love of his life, an Italian woman who is not a U.S. citizen. They fall in love and have a child, but never get married. Is the child a U.S. citizen and why?

Yes, by law of blood.


Which branch of government is responsible for enforcing laws?

The Executive branch


Which influential document had the following impact:

Proved that the enlightenment idea of popular sovereignty was possible.

The Mayflower Compact


What is an ordinance?

A state law


What is an embassy?

The official residence or offices of an ambassador. Our point of contact with other nations.


Name a responsibility and an obligation of a U.S. citizen without help from your team.

Responsibilities: Voting, staying informed, running for office, etc.

Obligations: Pay taxes, follow laws, jury duty, selective service (men only), etc.


Choose someone else on your team to answer the following question without consulting the rest of your team:

What is judicial review?

This is when the Supreme Court reviews decisions of lower courts to determine if they are in line with the Constitution.


Which influential document had the following impact:

Argued that citizens have the right to revoke consent of the governed and institute a new government when their government fails them.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense


What is a strong cabinet (what Florida's executive branch has)?

Members of the Florida Cabinet are independently elected, and have an equal vote with the governor on issues under the Cabinet's jurisdiction.


Name the conflict in which the United States declared war on Japan.

World War II


What was the result of U.S. v. Nixon?

The Supreme Court ruled that no one is above the law, not even the President, and ruled his actions unlawful. Nixon later resigned from office before being removed.


Which branch check which branch when a president vetos a bill?

The executive branch checks the legislative branch.


Without consulting your team:

Name one reason the American colonists wanted to declare independence from Great Britain?

Intolerable acts, taxation without representation, age of enlightenment, etc.


Order the following courts from least to most power:

Florida Supreme Court

Appellate Courts

County Courts

District Courts

County, District, Appellate, Florida Supreme Court


Name a conflict in which America was successful in preventing the spread of communism and promoted democracy.

The Korean War


How did the Magna Carta help to create a culture of Rule of Law?

It was the origin of the age of enlightenment and created the idea that our rulers should protect our rights and impartially provide services to its citizens.


Without consulting your team:

What is a bicameral legislature and why do we have one?

A bicameral legislature is one with two chambers. In the U.S., the House of Reps and the Senate. We have one to give a voice to prevent a single political party from dominating, for example.


Choose someone else on your team to answer the following without consulting the rest of your team:

How did Shay's Rebellion lead to the signing of the Constitution?

Shay's Rebellion showed a major weakness of the Articles of Confederation: that state governments had no restrictions on how much they could tax citizens. It was a major selling point when Federalists argued that we should create a Federalist government.


Who is responsible for breaking a tie vote between the Florida House and Senate?

The Lieutenant Governor


Name the international organization whose member nations have agreed to help defend them if one of them gets invaded by another country.