Which rescue mission was founded in Chicago in 1877?
Pacific Garden Mission
Many denominations evangelized settlers and established churches through the work of what?
Home missionaries
For this reason, the author Mark Twain called the Age of Industry the what age?
Gilded Age
Because immigrants during this era came from parts of the world different from earlier immigrants who came to America, this immigration is referred to as the what?
New Immigration
Over twenty lives were lost in the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, including chief engineer who?
John A. Roebling
Who founded the Salvation Army?
William Booth
One of the best-known home missionaries of this era was who?
Sheldon Jackson
While immigration was mostly unrestricted, Congress adopted which act?
Chinese Exclusion Act
Before the Civil War, mass transit in American cities was primarily by what?
Omnibus or horse railway
An Omnibus was a horse-drawn coach usually designed to carry about a dozen passengers.
Because wood was the chief building material, fire was a major threat in large cities. This fire ravaged the nation's fastest-growing city. What was this fire called?
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871
What does the YWCA stand for?
Young Women's Christian Association
In 1886, Moody sponsored a Christian Conference where?
Mount Hermon
Who was a missionary to China, and started the Presbyterian mission of the Chinese in San Francisco?
William Speer
Some cities, beginning with New York in the 1860s, began to use the what? This carried passengers above the crowded streets.
Elevated railways
Life in poor neighborhoods was improved through the founding of what kind of houses?
Settlement houses
Who was considered the best-known urban evangelist of the 19th century?
Whose movement had the guiding principle "evangelization of the world in this generation"
Student Volunteer Movement
NON BOLD-In years immediately following the Civil War, thousands of who immigrated to America by way of the West Coast?
It was also in the 1870s that this thing was introduced in San Francisco. What was that thing?
Cable car
One of the earliest and best-known of the settlement houses in America was founded by who?
Jane Addams
Who was a Baptist pastor, evangelist, and author who wrote "An Interpretation of the English Bible"
B.H. Carroll
NON-BOLD TERM - Which century has been called the Great Century of Christianity?
NON-BOLD - Many immigrants came to America because of the prospects of what?
Profitable employment in the new factories
Boston introduced the first what in America in 1897?
Miss Addams rented and opened what?
Hull House