Rhetorical Appeals
Figurative Language
Text Structure
Random Stuff

This is the rhetorical appeal that focuses on credibility and trustworthiness.



Which type of figurative language makes a comparison using the words “like” or “as”?

"Ride like the wind."



What text structure is used in this passage?                                                                    

In the 1800’s, whooping cranes numbered above 20,000. Habitat loss and hunting reduced the whooping crane population drastically. These birds seemed destined for extinction. By 1941, only an estimated 16 whooping cranes were left on Earth. Conservationists began breeding programs. By 2005, there were 214 whooping cranes on Earth. Today, whooping cranes continue to make a comeback. Over 350 whooping cranes are alive today.



Name one text we've read in class this year.

"Earth on the Turtle's Back," "Give Me Liberty," The Great Gatsby, Raisin in the Sun


What do you call something that a speaker asks with no intention of the audience actually answering?

rhetorical question


Which type of figurative language gives human traits to an inanimate object?

"The grass danced in the wind."



Which text structure is used in this passage?


A dove is often considered a symbol of peace. A pigeon, in contrast, is often considered a pest. And yet, there is no true scientific difference between a dove and a pigeon. Both doves and pigeons belong to the same family (Columbidae). They both have thick bodies, rounded heads, and small legs.

Compare & Contrast


Can a dependent clause stand on its own?



This the rhetorical appeal that focuses on facts, statistics, and logic.



Which type of figurative language makes a direct comparison between two unlike things?

"The homework assignment was a beast"



Which text structure is being used in this passage?  

What do you do if you get bitten by a snake? First, stay calm and call for help. Most snake bites won’t require medical attention, but it is always best to be safe. Second, get a good description of the snake. A picture or a verbal description will help medical responders. Next, go to a safe spot nearby- and then remain still. While there, keep the wound below the level of your heart. The movement of venom (if there is any) will be slowed. If available, wipe the wound with a clean, damp cloth. Last, wait for medical help. Being bitten by a snake is a frightening situation, but taking these steps will ensure the best outcome.



What does a semicolon do? 

Other than be part of the winking emoticon... ;-)

Join two independent clauses

This is the rhetorical appeal that focuses on emotions.



Which type of figurative language is an exaggerated statement that isn't meant to be taken literally?

"I'm so hungry, I could eat a frozen skunk."



Which text structure is being used in this passage?

Following World War I, the government of Australia promised assistance to returning soldiers to take up wheat farming in Australia. Large numbers of soldiers agreed and set up farms. Unfortunately for the soldiers, the migration of as many as 20,000 emus had a peculiar effect on the wheat crops. Emus found the farm’s water and cleared land a satisfactory habitat, and consumed and spoiled their crops. Farm land was devastated. The farmers asked the government for help. Soldiers with machine guns were deployed to combat the emus. As a result, the "Emu War" began. However, the war was short lived. Machine guns proved to be no match for the emus.

Cause & Effect

What is Ms. Judd's favorite marine animal? (Hint: you can see it in the classroom.)



When a speaker or author compares an idea to another popular topic from history, religion, or pop culture to make it more understandable to the audience.



This figurative language is the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words. 

"Peter Piper picked a peck of peppers."



What text structure is being used in this passage?


The porcupine is a rodent best known for its quills. One porcupine may have as many as 30,000 quills. The porcupine is not aggressive and will only attack if it is threatened. Contrary to popular belief, a porcupine cannot shoot its quills. Instead, when a predator approaches, the porcupine will raise the quills, and whip its tail at the enemy. If the porcupine hits an animal with its tail, the quills become embedded in the approaching animal. Most porcupines, though, do not interact with other animals. They enjoy spending time alone. Even alone, they are quite active; they climb trees and swim.



What book are we reading next quarter?

The Joy Luck Club