T6L7 WWII in the Pacific
T6L7 Pt 2
T6L7 Pt 3
Pt 4

Gen. Macarthur's greatest error was defying orders to evacuate this island chain, owned by the US since the Spanish American War

What is the Phillippines?


This battle is seen as the major turning point in the Pacific Theater, also an island west of Hawaii, and a classic and modern remake movie.  Mr. Montgomery took a girl on a date to see said movie in college.  

What is Midway?



T/F: A Kamikaze attack is a Japanese plane crashing on purpose into a Japanese ship. 

What is FALSE? Japanese plane into US ships. 


T/F: Einstein is the lead scientist in the development of the Atomic Bombs. 

What is FALSE? It was Robert J. Oppenheimer?


The major Prisoner of War(PoW) exhibition is famously known as this, as prisoners died on the trip to the camp on this Filipino peninsula

What is the Bataan Death March?


Meant to raise American Morale, and strike at the heart of the Japanese empire, this man led a raid on Tokyo with Army planes off of Navy aircraft Carriers, and many men crash landed in the ocean and controlled China

Who is Colonel James Doolittle?


T/F: the significance of the turning point battle is that Japan continues to play "offense" the rest of the war. 

What is FALSE? They play defense from then on.  


T/F: Most Americans believed Japan would peacefully surrender before a direct assault on the Islands.  

What is FALSE? No one believed in the chance of a Japanese surrender. 


This desire is the primary focus for Pres. Truman in the decision of whether or not to use the Atomic Bombs

What is saving American lives? US was projecting a million soldiers lost in a direct assault on the main islands.  


T/F: Japan and the US are close allies today, shown in part by Japan's donation of Cherry Blossom Trees to Washington DC. 

What is true?


This office/person, lived in Tokyo and contributed to the belief in sanctity of the state and city, believed to be a god

Who is the emperor? Hideki Tojo


This is the general strategy of American forces in the in the Pacific, as they try to avoid major Japanese strongholds and inch closer to mainland Japan.

What is Island Hopping?


This man took over as President in the middle of WWII, following the death of FDR

Who is Harry S. Truman?


These two cities were the sites of the first combat uses of the Atomic bombs, need both

What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


This next world conflict will showcase a microcosm of the Cold War between Capitalism vs. Communism

What is the Korean War?


After successful bombing raids from planes, Japanese strategy shifted to targeting this type of US Navy ship

What are aircraft carriers?


These two branches of the military are the primary services in the Pacific Theater, "Anchors Aweigh" and "Semper Fi"

What are the US Navy and Marine Corps?


T/F: the US warned Japan of a direct troop invasion of the main islands in 1945. 

What is FALSE? They were warned of "prompt and utter destruction."


Date of VJ Day(Victory over Japan)

What is August 15th, 1945?


For a decade or so following WWII, this country is seen as the World's Lone Superpower militarily, politically, socially, culturally and economically. 

What is the USA?


Marines in the Pacific had the benefit of unhackable realtime radio communication through the use of this tribe's native language, which also featured no written language.  Mission was kept secret for 30 years after WWII.  

What is Navajo code talkers?


Fill in the blank, "sea to shore are very ______." the US has demonstrated over and over they are willing to do so anyway.  

What is costly? 


the top secret project to develop a weapon of mass destruction that would lead to the Atomic bombs was called this

What is the Manhattan Project?


This general from Little Rock, AR served as military governor of Japan for 8 years, and again as general during the Korean War, introducing baseball to the country

Who is Gen. Douglas Macarthur?


Mr. Montgomery's mom lived on this American territory Pacific Island in the early 1970s on a US Navy base, when a Japanese solder was discovered living in the mountains under the impression WWII was still going on 28 years after the surrender due to massive military activity on the island, showing the extreme dedication of Japanese soldiers

What is Guam?