How many students are there in the class?
Is it certain, possible or impossible that if we drop an egg from the roof of the school it will break?
What is the first thing we do for morning routine?
Read the date
Before Mr. Lee gave out gems, how did he reward students when they were being good?
points on whiteboard
Who was the very first student of the week?
What do you call a group of fish?
When do we get to watch movies during nutrition break?
Indoor recess or Fridays
When did Mr. Lee come to Whaley's Corners?
Who joined our class in October?
What did we do for Earth day art project?
painted earth using qtip and dots
What did Mr. Lee dress up as for Halloween?
Basketball Player Stephen Curry
What is Mr. Lee's favourite sport?
Which 2 students have the longest last name in the class?
Violetta and Sneha
What are all the types of poems we wrote?
Acrostic, Haiku, Concrete, Cinquain
What is Ms. Dulku's room number?
Mr. Lee coached the grade 7/8 girls' basketball team. What place did they come in the tournament? 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th?
Sneha has the best attendance record by missing only 2 and half days of school. Who has the second best attendance record?
Raeya with only 4 absences
Sarveshi, Talhah, Deccan, Samyuktha, Rhea and Rayyan are sharing 8 granola bars. How many does each person get?
1 and 1 third
Students didn't come to school on April 8 for a special reason. What was that reason?
What is Mr. Lee's dog's name?