DBT Acronyms True or False
DBT Case Examples
12 North
12 North Staff Fun Facts

The D in distract stands for 'Do Nothing"

What is FALSE!


Janet was nervous about going back to school after not being in school for awhile. Before going back to school, she wrote down a list of things she can do at school when she is feeling anxious to help alleviate distressing thoughts/emotions.

**Double Jeopardy- describe a time you used this skill**

What is COPE AHEAD Skill


What time does school start?

What is 9:30am


All 5 sisters are busy, Anna is reading a book, Rose is cooking, Katie is playing chess, and Mary is doing laundry what is the 5th sister doing

What is playing chess!


This 12 north staff member still has a baby tooth!

Who is ...Dr. Singh!


The P is STOP stands for Put that down!...

What is False!


Marvin was eating a lot of junk food, not exercising, staying up all night and drinking too much coffee. What skill would Marvin benefit from practicing the most based on the above?

What is the PLEASE Skill


When is bedtime for Gold Medal Holders

What is 8:45

What is it that you cannot hold even ten minutes, even though it is lighter than a feather?

What is your breath!


This 12 north staff member has been working here the longest...

Who is... Dr. Broberg!


The S in the PLEASE skill stands for "Sleep well"

What is True


Fiona was in distress after an argument with her best friend. To help calm herself down, she splashed herself with cold water, did some jumping jacks and then practiced some progressive muscle relaxation.

What is the TIPP Skill


What is the time limit on the phone and the comfort room?

What is....15 minutes!


A girl is sitting in a house at night that has no lights on at all. There is no lamp, no candle, nothing. Yet she is reading. How?

What is, the girl is blind and reading with braille!


This 12 North staff member has endured 12 concussions....

Who is .... Miss Alexa!


Willingness and Willfulness means the same thing.....

***Double Jeopardy***

Explain why they are the same or different

What is false! 

Being willing is about accepting what is and responding in an effective/appropriate way- willfulness is about digging your heels in and refusing to accept reality.


Henry became angry when Johnny stuck his tongue out at him. Instead of retaliating, he paused, took a step back, took some deep breaths, and ignored Johnny, continuing with his school work.

What is STOP Skill


How do  you earn bonus coins?

How is by practicing your DBT skill and telling staff or being observed by staff

If you are running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?

What is second place!


This 12 north staff member hates any food that jiggles

Who is ...Miss Missy

The T in TIPP stands for Talk

What is FALSE


Sally was nervous about her test in school. She made sure she used positive self-talk/affirmations such as “you can do this!” and “you studied hard and are going ace this test!”

What is Cheerlead


Who should you go to if you are feeling unsafe/ having unsafe thoughts and when is it ok to tell them?

Who is Any 12 North staff member at any time


I have no doors but I have keys, I have no rooms but I do have a space, you can enter but you can never leave. What am I?

What is a keyboard!


This 12 North Staff member used to own a seafood shop?

Who is... Mr. Ray