This group helps alcoholics
What is alcoholics anonymous
this is alone not sufficient to overcome alcoholism or addiction
what is willpower
began in Akron Ohio in 1935 with a chance meeting between two alcoholics, one a doctor and one a broker
what is Alcoholics anonymous
this step involves asking a higher power to remove shortcomings
what is step 7
live and let other do what
what is live and let live
a group that provides support for family members of alcoholics
what is al-anon
this is viewed as the only viable alternative for the addict or alcoholic
life time sobriety
an experienced member who guides newcomers through recovery
what is a sponsor
in this step my list looked like this.... wanting things my way, wanting special treatment, wanting others to meet my needs
what is step 4
the words make up the acronym HALT
Hungry Angry Lonely Tired
the group deals with individuals addicted to different types of illicit drugs
what is NA
12 step believe that alcohol and addiction are considered this
A chronic disease
a meeting anyone can attend
what is an open meeting
i knew that my higher power could make me feel sane again
what is step 2
the answer to all our problems (in the big book)
what is acceptance
a group for friends and family members of individuals with a drug addiction
abstinence is not enough... the twelve steps also help you work on these personal flaws
what are character defects
this is a group in which a member is comfortable with and where he or she does official group business
what is a home group
in this step my list looked like this... my mom because i took money from her, my friend because i lied to her, my boss because i didnt show up
what is step 8
" i came for my drinking and stayed for my..." this
"i came for my drinking and stayed for my thinking"
a group for people working to end patterns of dysfunctional relationships and healthy relationships
what is co-dependents anonymous
to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety
primary purpose of AA
meetings are self supporting through this
what are "our own contributions"
its OK to say i am wrong
what is step 10
Alcohol is a disease of these 3 things
what are the body, mind, and spirit