This step consists of admitting you are powerless over your mental disorders and substance use?
Step One
When you are diagnosed with both substance use disorder and mental illness this is referred to as ______.
Connecting with others with the co-occurring disorders with the common goal of recovery is referred to as _______.
True or False: Doing service for others helps the person doing the service.
True. Service to others works by focusing our attention on another instead of worrying about our own problems for a period of time.
The only requirement in the 12 Steps programs is the ______ to stop your compulsive behavior.
This step consists of making a list of all the people we harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
Step Eight.
True or False: You cannot take medications and attend AA/NA.
False. While the focus of traditional 12 Step is total abstinence, you do not need to discuss your medications or take medication recommendations from other members.
________ means being humble and accepting a modest view of one's importance.
True or False: AA was founded in the 1950's.
False. Bill W and Dr. Bob founded AA in the 1930s.
The serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to _____________.
Accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
This step consists of taking a serious look at your behavior, attitudes, and beliefs.
Step Four
True or False: If I have a co-occurring disorder, AA/NA will meet all of my needs.
False. AA focuses on a "one-disease, one recovery" model. It is necessary to address these mental health needs through other sources of fellowship or treatment as well.
When you take stock of yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your values, your goals, and your failures, this is referred to as _____.
Taking a personal inventory.
True or false: It is possible to have all of your character defects removed.
Examples of character defects are ________.
Holding grudges, lying, greed, close-mindedness, self-pity, impatience, resentment, jealousy.
This step consists of admitting to God, yourself, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongdoings.
Step Five
One example of a mutual self help group for people with co-occurring disorders is _______.
Dual Recovery Anonymous, Double Trouble in Recovery, or Dual Diagnosis Anonymous.
Negative traits or behaviors that can contribute to substance abuse or other addictive behaviors is referred to as _____.
Character defects.
True or False: Co-Occurring Disorders can be controlled by willpower.
The term _______ means feeling confident that you can walk away from a substance use trigger.
This step consists of utilizing prayer and meditation to better understand what you should be doing to stay sober.
Step Eleven.
In addition to the desire to stop using drugs or alcohol, participating in the 12 steps for co-occurring disorders also requires a desire to manage _____
Emotional or psychiatric illness in a healthy and constructive way.
Living in the present, not dwelling on the mistakes of the past, anxieties of the future is referred to as _______.
Taking it one day at a time.
True or False: Spirituality and Religion are the same thing.
False. Religion involves a specific expression of belief while spirituality is the awareness that there is something beyone what we can see.
Your ability to deal with temptations to use alcohol and other drugs depends on _______.
Your coping skills.