1853 American steam ships enter Japanese waters
Led to Japan opening up trade to the United States.
Modeled after the strong central government of Germany.
1894-1895 Japan drove China out of Korea and gained Taiwan and other islands as colonies
Sino-Japanese War
American steam ships entered Japanese waters (1853)
Japan opened up trade with the United States and later European nations.
Suppression of Korean Newspapers
Shut down Korean newspapers to control information.
1854 Japan agrees to open up trade to European nations
Similar deals were made with European nations.
Patterned after Germany's army.
1904-1905 Japan defeated Russia, gaining control of China's Manchurian territory.
Russo-Japanese War
Overthrow of the Shogun (1867)
Beginning of the Meiji Era and significant modernization in Japan.
Education Changes
Schools were changed to teach only Japanese language and history.
1867 Overthrow of the Shogun
The Emperor Mutsuhito rallied support and overthrew the Shogun, beginning the Meiji Era.
Modeled after Britain's navy.
what ended in 1853, leading to significant changes in trade and governance.
Japan's isolation
Modernization reforms during the Meiji Era
Japan became a strong industrial and military power in Asia.
Land Redistribution
Land was taken from Korean farmers and given to Japanese settlers.
1910 Annexation of Korea
Japan gained complete control over the Korean peninsula.
Adapted the American system of schooling for all children.
what Era marked a period of rapid modernization across various sectors, including government, military, education, and economy.
The Meiji Era
Expansion of influence and conflicts with China and Russia
Japan gained territories such as Taiwan and control over Korea.
Factory Control
Factories were built to be run exclusively by Japanese.
Built railroads, mined coal, and constructed factories.
His military successes in the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars established it as a major power and led to territorial expansion.
Harsh Japanese rule in Korea
Led to a nationalist movement and protests against Japanese rule.
Business Restrictions
Koreans were prohibited from starting new businesses.