One organization that does not pay taxes.
A church
A small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.
On New Year's Eve people make these.
Bowlers do not wear these due to lane etiquette.
Street shoes
What is the most visited urban park called?
Central Park
Deadline for employers to mail W-2s to their employees.
January 31st
A part of a whole. Amount of food.
What tradition occurs in Pasadena, California?
Rose Bowl
Kids might use these when they bowl.
A bumper
The buildings that were destroyed
The Twin Towers
Having the official review of your tax return for one or more years of filing.
A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
Before the giant crystal ball, this is how Times Square mark the start of the New Year.
How many points are needed for a perfect game.
This trading of business institution was established in the early 19th century.
New York Stock Exchange
A government-run insurance program that provides healthcare assistance to elderly and disabled Americans.
A liquid with healing, magical, or poisonous properties.
What color is supposed to bring you luck in the new year if you eat it?
What is it called when you knock down all ten pins in one try.
This canal was built in New York state in 1825.
The Erie Canal
Expenses you can legally subtract from your income before calculating your taxes.
A thick, smooth liquid preparation designed to be applied to the skin for medicinal or cosmetic purposes.
A punch-like drink named after the Gaelic term for “good health,” is served in some parts of England for the new year.
What is it called when you knock down all ten pins in two turns.
This street has famous, expensive stores. It crosses Manhattan and goes from Central Park and beyond.
5th avenue