Name 4 Mitzvot HaBen Al HaAv
(1) brit milah
(2) pidyon haben
(3) teaching Torah
(4) help him get married
(5) teach him a craft
(6) teach him to swim
What is a shaliach?
A messenger you send on your behalf
Who are Moshe's brother and sister?
Aharon and Miriam
What is the first step of the seder?
What does the marror represent?
The bitterness the Jews felt in Mitzrayim
Rabbi Yehuda makes a strong statement about not teaching your son a craft - what is this statement?
Not teaching your son a craft is teaching him to steal
What is Rav Yosef's answer to why the Mishnah found it necessary to tell us you can do kiddushin yourself?
It is better to do it yourself than through a shaliach
These people rebelled against Pharoah and saved the baby boys.
Shifra and Puah
Who are the 4 sons?
The wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one who doesn't know how to ask
What is the last item of food we eat at the seder?
The afikomen
A negative non-time bound mitzvah
Name 2 out of 3 cases in the mishnah where you can use a messenger
(1) a man can do kiddushin himself or through a messenger (2) a woman can accept kiddushin herself or through a messenger (3) a man can marry off his 12-12.5 year old daughter himself or through a messenger
Name 7 out of 10 makkot
dam, tzfardeya, kinnim, arov, dever, schin, barad, arbeh, choshech, makkat bechorot
Which Matzah is used for the Afikoman and which part?
The middle Matzah and the larger piece
Name 4 things on the seder plate
(1) shank bone (2) egg (3) marror (4) karpas (5) charoset
Women are exempt from these two categories of mitzvot.
Positive time bound mitzvot
Why do Rashi and the Chidah think it is better to do a mitzvah yourself?
Rashi - you will recieve more schar
Chidah - it comes off as lazy and as if the mitzvah is not important in your eyes
According to the Midrash, who was the person to jump into the Yam Suf first?
Nachshon ben Aminadav
Who surprisingly is not mentioned in the Maggid section of the Haggadah?
What shouldn't you do for yourself with the wine at the Seder and why?
Pour wine for yourself because you are supposed to be like a king
Name one negative non-time bound mitzvah that women are exempt from
(1) cutting peyot (2) not shaving a beard (3) becoming tamei l'meit
What are the names of the two Rabbis who made sure to prepare the fish for Shabbos themselves?
Rav Safra and Rava
When Moshe first went to Pharoah, what material did Pharoah take away from Bnei Yisrael out of his anger?
Name 3 songs from Nirtza
(1) chasal siddur pesach
(2) lshana haba
(3) ki lo na'e
(4) adir hu
(5) echad mi yodea
(6) chad gadya
How many times do you sprinkle/dip some wine from your cup during Maggid?
16 times