The Bible
Can You Name These Classic Movies?
What a Strange State You're In
Who Am I?

What did the devil tell Jesus to turn into bread?

Answer: stones

Luke 4:3 Jesus was fasting in the wilderness and the devil was tempting Jesus


 Maria and Tony are a modern-day Romeo and Juliet. Their romance takes place in New York City, where racially motivated clashes between the Sharks and the Jets have tragic consequences.

 Maria, Maria

 The Sharks and the Jets

 West Side Story

 East Side Story

nswer: West Side Story

"West Side Story" (1961) is widely considered to be one of the all-time great movie musicals. It stars Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer. Audrey Hepburn and Warren Beatty, among many others, were considered for the lead roles. George Chakiris and Rita Moreno won Oscars for Best Supporting Actor and Actress, and the film also won for Best Picture.


If you're in a state of hunger, you might want to visit OATMEAL, COFFEE CITY, BACON, CHOCOLATE BAYOU and DING DONG in which southwestern state whose flower is the Bluebonnet?

Answer: Texas

You can also go to the LOG CABIN in LOONEYVILLE, as well as ASIA, ARIZONA, LAS VEGAS, MOSCOW, MIAMI and BETHLEHEM. If you NEEDMORE, you can get some CASH from LOLITA, but there's LITTLE HOPE it will be more than a NICKEL. Watch it, don't trip over that MULESHOE, you may get a BLACK ANKLE!


When Columbus sailed from Spain on his epic journey what did he expect to find?

Answer: India

Queen Isabella of Spain recruited Columbus to find a shorter route to India where spices, jewels, and silk could be found in abundance. Columbus, believing that the world was round, set off in a westerly direction and landed on an island in the Bahamas.


 I ruled East Germany before the Berlin Wall fell. My first name is Erich, and I was a dictator. I died in 1994. What was my last name?






Answer: Honecker

Erich Honecker was born on August 25, 1913, and passed away on May 29, 1994. In May of 1989, Erich Honecker declared the Berlin Wall would stand 50 to 100 years longer, and there were no hopes of a democratic government. When the wall fell on November 9, 1989, Honecker tried to escape the country, but was forced to return to answer questions about his regime's abuse of human rights. Due to health problems - he had liver cancer - he was allowed to seek asylum in Chile, where he died a short time later.


Who was Mary and Martha's brother?

Answer: Lazarus

John 11:1-2 Lazarus was the man who Jesus raised from the dead.


Rick Blaine, an expatriate nightclub owner, and Victor Laszlo, Resistance hero, are both in love with Ilsa, Laszlo's beautiful wife. The film takes place in occupied Morocco, during World War II.


 Play It Again, Sam



Answer: Casablanca

"Casablanca" stars Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid. The plot also deals with a battle of wits between Blaine and the authorities, and the plight of refugees fleeing from the Nazis. "Play it, Sam", "Here's looking at you, kid" (a line improvised by Bogart) and "Round up the usual suspects" are all famous lines from the movie's dialogue. "Casablanca" won the 1942 Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Director (Michael Curtiz).


Ah, you're in a thirsty state! If you're a BOOZER, you can buy THE BOTTLE of RED WINE at POSSUM TROT, then you can find a SLICKLIZZARD and SKINEM with SPEED. What state are you in now whose bird is the Yellowhammer?

Answer: Alabama

While you're here, you can go to AMERICA, CUBA, EGYPT, TEXAS, NORTH CAROLINA, and PENNSYLVANIA. Don't forget to bring your bottle back for a DEPOSIT. You might get a DOLLAR or just a DIME. Then you can buy a MAGAZINE, too.


What was the name of one of Columbus's ships?

Answer: Santa Maria

Columbus managed to get three ships from Queen Isabella. They were very small by modern standards. It is thought that they were no larger than seventy feet long.


I was one of the first men to climb Mount Everest all the way to the top, along with Tenzing Norgay. I was also once New Zealand's ambassador to Nepal. I died in 2008 at Auckland City Hospital due to heart failure. Who was I? 

 Clifford Williams

 Yasuo Kato

 Edmund Hillary

 Yamaki Kato

Answer: Edmund Hillary

Edmund Hillary was born on July 20, 1919, in Auckland, New Zealand. During World War II, Hillary was in the Royal New Zealand Air Force, where he was wounded. "Time" magazine named him as one of the most influential people of the 20th century.


How old was Noah when the flood happened?

Answer: 600

Genesis 7:6 He was 600 years old when the flood happened and lived for 350 years after the flood.


This is the true story of the life an eccentric British military man, working as an intelligence officer in Cairo at the beginning of World War I. He becomes involved with Arabian desert tribes, convincing them to unite and join in a struggle against the Turks.

Desert Storm

 Arabian Nights

 An Englishman Abroad

 Lawrence of Arabia

Answer: Lawrence of Arabia

Peter O'Toole stars as T.E. Lawrence, and Omar Sharif, Anthony Quinn and Alec Guinness play Arab chieftains involved in the struggle known as the "Arab Revolt". There are no speaking roles for women in the film, which runs well over three hours. "Lawrence of Arabia" contains one of the most admired scenes in movie history, showing the immensity of the desert Lawrence crosses.


Man, you're in a HELL of a state! Seeing JUPITER, VENUS and MARS, are you? You've obviously had too much WEED in which Golden State?

Answer: California

IGO get you some JAVA and you'll be in HAPPY CAMP, TOP OF THE WORLD, Ma! This is your LAST CHANCE, get up from those SQUEAKY SPRINGS and quit making that ZZYZX noise! Take a BATH in that BADWATER and you won't be in BUMMERVILLE anymore.


 What was the reason that the Pilgrims left England and sailed for America?

Answer: They were seeking freedom for their religion

In 1620 everyone in England was required to attend the Church of England which was considered to be the church of the king. This small group of people, who we today call the Pilgrims, took sixty five days to reach America.


I was given the name Malcolm Little. I was also a spokesperson for the Nation of Islam. I was assassinated after being shot twenty-one times. Who was I? 

Answer: Malcolm X

Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. He used X instead of Little because he said when his people came over as slaves, they took their slavemaster's last name, "Little," but X showed he didn't truly know his name. He also used the name Malik el-Shabazz.


According to the book of James, what can no man tame?

Answer: the tongue

James 3:8 It means that you cannot control what you say sometimes.


Vito Corleone is the head of the Corleone Family, an organized crime business empire. His son Michael reluctantly joins the family business after his father is seriously injured in an ambush by rival gangsters.

 The Corleone Story

 The Godfather

 The Mafia

 The Sicilians

Answer: The Godfather

This complicated film depicts the Corleone's family life as well as their criminal activities. Marlon Brando plays the Godfather, and Al Pacino is Michael, his son and heir to the family business. Jack Nicholson and Dustin Hoffman were also considered for the part of Michael Corleone. Marlon Brando won an Oscar for his performance as Vito Corleone.


NOWTHEN, NIMROD, don't drive in the DUMBLANE! You're in LOONEYVILLE here, and the LOCAL sheriff is a SAVAGE in what Gopher State?

Answer: Minnesota

You'll need to visit CASHTOWN, MONEY CREEK or CREDIT RIVER to pay that fine. You just had to EMBARRASS yourself waving the OTTERTAIL around! Hark! Is that a BUCKSNORT I hear, or just GOOD THUNDER? O, great, we're in LUCKNOW; someone from HAVANA paid your RANSOM!


What was the Stamp Act?

Answer: A tax imposed on the colonists by the British which taxed almost everything made of paper

In 1765 the British imposed one of many unfair laws on the colonists. The Stamp Act was one of these laws and said that the colonists had to pay tax on paper items such as mail, newspapers, stamps, and even playing cards.


 I was the U.S.A.'s Chief of Staff during the Second World War. My first name was George. The European Recovery Program is more commonly known by my last name. What was my last name?






Answer: Marshall

George Catlett Marshall was born on December 31, 1880, in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. He became a Chief of Staff when Malin Craig retired in 1939. He kept the position throughout the war. He was named "Time" magazine's Man of the Year in 1943 and 1947. He also won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1953 for the Marshall Plan, and was Secretary of State from 1947 to 1949.


According to the book of Exodus, what does manna taste like?

Answer: wafers and honey

Exodus 16:31 This is the food that God provided Moses and his people while they were in the wilderness. They could collect it 6 days of the week but on the seventh they couldn't.


Randle Patrick McMurphy, a wily and defiant mental hospital inmate, tries to rouse his fellow patients against a tyrannical nurse.

 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

 The Defiant Ones

 The Hospital

 Crazy Like a Fox

Answer: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

This film stars Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher, and both won Oscars for their performances. The film is based on a fine novel by Ken Kesey, who worked as an attendant in a mental hospital while he wrote the book. The totally convincing supporting cast includes Danny DeVito, Brad Dourif and Will Sampson.


Watch it, you almost ran into that DEEP HOLE at FROG LEVEL! The ORDINARY person doesn't drive by MOONLIGHT in this state, the 'Mother of Presidents'. There's a SIGN POST up ahead. What state has these strange place names?

Answer: Virginia

Drive right over the CATS BRIDGE (did you hear a MEW?), at CRIPPLE CREEK, past the HORSE HEAD and park by the BURNT TREE. We can get a CHICKAHOMINY and a COKE here if you have CASH; they won't take a CHECK. GOOD LUCK getting gas at the SHORT PUMP.


 Public schools in many parts of the United States were segregated for many years. In what year did a Supreme Court decision order the end of segregation? 

Answer: 1954

The court decision, Brown vs. Board of Education, originated in Topeka, Kansas. A black child lived only seven blocks from a "white only" school and her school bus passed several other white schools before it arrived at her "black school". Her case was taken up by the NAACP and reached the Supreme Court in 1954.


 I was hailed as one of the greatest freedom fighters of India; I was most distinguishable by my hat, and my aide was known as Sukh Ram. I died by hanging. Who was I?Hint

 Chandrasekhar Azad

 Bhagat Singh

 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

 Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: Bhagat Singh

Baghat Singh was born on September 27, 1907, in what is now Pakistan. He killed a British police officer, John Saunders. He had not intended to kill the officer; he and the others had intended to kill another person named James Scott in retaliation after an Indian nationalist, Lala Lajpat Rai, was killed. He was hanged on March 23, 1931, in what is now Pakistan.


 How many years' difference was there between Aaron and Moses?

Answer: 3

Exodus 7:7 Aaron was Moses' older brother. God had Aaron go with Moses to confront Pharaoh because Moses claimed that he was "slow of speech and slow of tongue".


Quentin Tarantino directed this 1994 film, which consists of several interwoven stories, among them a "date" with the boss's wife, a fixed boxing match and a stick-up at a restaurant. The film manages to be both very violent and very funny.

 True Crime Stories

 The Briefcase

 Vincent and Jules

 Pulp Fiction

Answer: Pulp Fiction

This is the film that revived John Travolta's career, and he is great in it. Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis are in the excellent cast. The role of Jules was specifically written for Samuel L. Jackson, who gives another terrific performance.


Let's go to A COUNTRY PLACE now, MIAMI BEACH, MONTANA, TENAFLY? You can get into DOUBLE TROUBLE in which 'Garden State'?

Answer: New Jersey

This is a good place to CHANGEWATER, and while we wait we can get a CHEESEQUAKE (a foaming dessert)at the FISH HOUSE and decide if we'll go to MOUNT JOY or MOUNT MISERY. Our FRIENDSHIP means a lot to me!


In 1836 there was a strong effort for Texan Independence. The Mexican army attacked a group of Americans at a place in Texas and most of the Americans were killed. What is the name of this battle?

Answer: The Battle of the Alamo

The Alamo was a mission (or church) in the middle of nowhere. The Mexican army was determined to defeat the Americans who had taken refuge there or who had come there to help defend this place. The Mexican army eventually attacked the Alamo, broke down the front gate, climbed the walls, and killed every American defender inside.


 I was the leader of the Labor Party (UK) from 1980 to 1983. I was once a journalist. I became the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the House of Commons. Who was I?

 Michael Foot

 James Callaghan

 Michael Vaughan

 Robert Mason

Answer: Michael Foot

Michael Foot was born in Plymouth, England, on July 23, 1913. He has represented the Ebbw Vale District of Wales since 1960. He was the Secretary of State for Employment from 1974 to 1976. From there, he went on to become the Leader of the House of Commons from 1980-1983. On March 3, 2010, he died at the age of 96.


In the King James version of the Bible, what is the 9th book of the Old Testament?

Answer: 1st Samuel

1st Samuel has some famous stories in it like David and Goliath and the story of King Saul trying to kill David.


This heartbreaking 1978 movie is set in a gritty steel mill town in Pennsylvania, and tells the story of three men who go off to fight in the Vietnam war. The film depicts how the war changes and affects their lives, and the lives of their loved ones.

 Russian Roulette

 The Deer Hunter


 The Wedding Party

Answer: The Deer Hunter

This film stars Robert DeNiro, Christopher Walken and John Savage as the three who go to Vietnam. John Cazale (Stanley) was ill with cancer when the movie was filmed, and died soon afterward. He was a terrific actor, and was only 42 when he died. Meryl Streep gives a beautiful performance as well. Streep and Cazale fell in love and became engaged during the filming of "Deer Hunter", and she put her career on hold to care for him until he died. "The Deer Hunter" won five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director (Michael Cimino) and a well-deserved Oscar went to the great Christopher Walken for Best Supporting Actor.


We've been driving all night, PRETTYBOY, it's BORING! Take the DETOUR by the BALD FRIAR - careful, don't have an ACCIDENT out here in MONKS MISERY! Which 'Old Line' state has SUNSHINE and SWEET AIR as strange place names?

Answer: Maryland

HURRY, we can just make it to FROGEYE by the GIRDLETREE in time for THANKSGIVING.
Look, is that CHEVY CHASE having a DRY RUN? We could get a KINGS RANSOM if we kidnapped him.


What was the Underground Railroad?

Answer: A system of roads, swamps, and houses that slaves could use while escaping to the North


I was born in Lincolnshire, England, and joined the British Navy at the age of 15. I pioneered the English exploration in the Arctic region. I lost my life trying to find a Northwest passage. Who was I? 

 John Jay

 John Jackson

 John Silverman

 John Franklin

Answer: John Franklin

John Franklin was born on April 16, 1786, in Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England. He was a midshipman on Matthew Flinders' voyage around Australia in 1803. In 1845, he led an expedition to find the Northwest passage, which he discovered. He did not, however, live to tell the tale. It was believed he died on June 11, 1847, but no one knows where his grave is located.


With whom did David commit adultery?

Answer: Bathsheba

2nd Samuel 11:2-3 David had Bathsheba's husband killed in battle and God punished David by making his son die.


Alfred Hitchcock directed this mystery about a former police detective's fascination with an enigmatic woman. He also suffers from acrophobia, a fear of heights. The film is set in San Francisco.

 A Double Life




Answer: Vertigo

This 1958 film is included on almost every list of all-time great movies. It stars James Stewart, Kim Novak and Barbara Bel Geddes. Hitchcock's first choice for the role that went to Kim Novak was Vera Miles, who appeared in "Psycho". This is a complex film, with many plot twists. The director makes his customary cameo appearance about eleven minutes into the film.


Good grief, are you in a state of PANIC? You're doing EIGHTY FOUR in an EFFORT to catch that ELEPHANT! I ADMIRE your driving skills, but I DESIRE to LIVE EASY in which 'Keystone State'?

Answer: Pennsylvania

Okay, here's a BONUS: if you slowly put down that BIRD IN HAND and go to the CORNER STORE with your COUPON, buy some CRACKER JACK, and act like you're in NORMALVILLE, I'll place the OWL'S NEST on your PILLOW. ONO, you'll end up in an ASYLUM, JIM THORPE! You're not really the KING OF PRUSSIA, you know.


 During World War I the USA was a member of which group?

Answer: The Allied Powers

The United States, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Italy, Russia, and other smaller countries were called the Allied Powers, or simply Allies. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey were the Central Powers.


 I was born in 1620 and was often called "The Great Elector." I ruled the German state of Brandenburg from 1640 until my death in 1688. I laid the foundations for the future military greatness of Prussia. Who was I?Hint

 Georg Frederick Hegel

 Frederick William

 Otto Hahn

 William Carlos Williams

Answer: Frederick William

Frederick William (also spelled Wilhelm) was born on February 16, 1620, in Stadtschloss, Berlin, Brandenburg-Prussia. He was called "The Great Elector" because of what he achieved in both military and politics. He established a postal system and reorganized various institutions like Frankfurt University. He died on April 29, 1688, in Stadtsschloss, Potsdam, Brandenburg-Prussia.


How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?

Answer: 40

Matthew 4:1-2 Jesus fasted for 40 days and the entire time that he was in the wilderness the devil tempted him.


 A conniving young newcomer to the stage tries to sabotage the career and marriage of a veteran actress. The film contains one of the most well-known lines of film dialogue: "Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night."

 Fasten Your Seat Belts

 Life on the Stage

 All About Eve

 All About Margo

Answer: All About Eve

"All About Eve" stars the magnificent Bette Davis, with Anne Baxter as Eve, and George Sanders as the theater critic who sees right through her. The supporting cast is wonderful, including Celeste Holm, Barbara Bates, Thelma Ritter, Hugh Marlowe and Marilyn Monroe. Claudette Colbert was considered for the role of Margo Channing.


 If it's MONDAY, we must be in MUDSOCK. Hey, look at that PIGEON RUN...and the fat GOOSE RUN. One has a LONG BOTTOM and the other has a ROUND BOTTOM. What's the name of this 'Buckeye State'?

Answer: Ohio

O, don't be so MODEST! You're never DULL ...for a DODO! Be an ANGEL and drop me at BLOODY CORNERS and DEADMAN CROSSING. Pull off the BLACKTOP, CARS RUN through a SPUNKY PUDDLE here. No need to stop, I'm a LEAPER, so I'll JUMP out. SURPRISE!


What was the Dust Bowl?

Answer: An area of the United States in the Great Plains where severe drought during the Great Depression caused farmers to lose the topsoil on their farms


Born in 1805, I became the first president of the International Law Association. My code of legal procedure forms the basis for legal procedure reforms in England and many US states. Who was I?Hint

 James Foster

 Oliver Wendell Douglas

 Christopher Marlowe

 David Dudley Field II

Answer: David Dudley Field II

David Dudley Field II was born on February 13, 1805, in Haddam, Connecticut. He studied at Williams College, Massachusetts, U.S.A. He started work on his code of legal procedure in 1847. He died in New York City, NY in 1894 at the age of 89.


 Who asked, "Am I my brother's keeper"?

Answer: Cain

Genesis 4:9 This was Cain's response when God asked him where Abel was after Cain had killed him.


This 1980 film is an authentic, compelling biography of the career and marriage of the middleweight champion boxer Jake LaMotta.

 The Boxer

 Raging Bull


 The Jake LaMotta Story

Answer: Raging Bull

Robert DeNiro plays Jake LaMotta, and gained 60 pounds to play him as an older man. The transformation is amazing. Cathy Moriarty plays LaMotta's wife, in a fine performance, and Joe Pesci plays Jake's brother. The movie was filmed in black and white.


O, that MEXICAN HAT looks totally BOUNTIFUL on you! Check out the DRAGON on the DEVILS SLIDE. People must be busy here in which 'Beehive State'?

Answer: Utah

I could use some SOLITUDE before SUNSET, so I'll just STARTUP to SLEEPY HOLLOW for some shuteye. You can get a BIRDSEYE view from here. WAHOO, what a WILDCAT! HE FLYS! I'll find an AMERICAN FORK and you can WHIPUP some CRISP SHIVWITS for dinner.


 In 1849 some people were swept up in the excitement of what is called The Gold Rush. In what state was gold found?

Answer: California


I was born in 1707 and wrote "The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling", which is considered one of the world's great novels. I tried to kidnap my cousin because she was so beautiful. I tried to study law but didn't have enough money. Who was I?Hint

 Henry Ford

 Henry Fitzgerald

 Henry Fonda

 Henry Fielding

Answer: Henry Fielding

Henry Fielding on April 22, 1707, in Sharpham, Somerset, England. In 1725, he tried to kidnap his cousin, with whom he was in love, while she was going to church, and then ran away to keep from being prosecuted. Other books he wrote included "Joseph Andrews" (1742), "Amelia" (1751), and "The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great" (1730).