SAT Vocab
Subject, Verb, Pronoun Agreement
Bettering Sentences

What is the definition of presume? 

assume / suppose


London, which is a very old city has some extremely modern parts.

London, which is a very old city, has some extremely modern parts. 

-Add another comma after city 


A lion must see their prey before pouncing. 

What should "their" change to? 


A lion muse see its prey before pouncing. 


How could this sentence be better? 

You need to work quick and decisively.

You need to work quickly and decisively.


What is the definition of rebuff?



The nature trail slithers through the forest like a snake curving, and bending along the banks of the river.

The nature trail slithers through the forest like a snake curving and bending along the banks of the river. 

-Get rid of the comma after the word curving. 


Help for improving test-taking skills and reading skills are also available. 

What should "are" be changed to? 


Help for improving test-taking skills and reading skills is also available.


Deception expert Pamela Meyer has collaborated with a team of researchers to survey and analyzing existing research on lying from academics, law enforcement officers, and psychologists. 

-There is only one change. 

Deception expert Pamela Meyer has collaborated with a team of researchers to survey and analyze existing research on lying from academics, law enforcement officers, and psychologists. 

-Change "analyzing" to "analyze" 


What is the definition of upholstery? 

fabric / cloth on furniture


Sequoia was a Cherokee scholar, he is famous for developing a written alphabet for his language.  

Sequoia was a Cherokee scholar; he is famous for developing a written alphabet for his language. 

-Add a semicolon after "scholar" because that is a separate clause. 


Illegal logging in Mexican forests have resulted in the destruction of the monarch butterfly’s habitat. 

What should "have" change to? 


Illegal logging in Mexican forests has resulted in the destruction of the monarch butterfly’s habitat.


How could you alter this sentence? 

The construction of the Great Wall of China was an enormous undertaking that occurred on a very large scale and required over 3,000 workers.

The construction of the Great Wall of China was an enormous undertaking and required over 3,000 workers. 

-Get rid of "on a very large scale" as it is totally unnecessary to the meaning of the sentence. 


The definition of defiance? 



On our trip to London, we visited: museums, palaces, and monuments.

On our trip to London, we visited lots of attractions: museums, palaces, and monuments. 

-Add the word attractions so that the list makes sense with the colon. 


In addition to helping the environment, renewable resources-such as solar power and hydroelectricity-may provide an economic benefit, as it may reduce our dependence on foreign oil. 

What should "it"change to? 


In addition to helping the environment, renewable resources-such as solar power and hydroelectricity-may provide an economic benefit, as they may reduce our dependence on foreign oil.


A) No longer confined to his hospital bed; the man still did not feel up to taking a walk around the block. 

B) No longer confined to his hospital bed, the man still did not feel up to taking a walk around the block. 

C) No longer confined to his hospital bed though the man still did not feel up to taking a walk around the block. 



What is the definition of the phrase "in unison?"



Living independently and demonstrating an intense work ethic; the Harvey Girls became known as a transformative force in the American West.

Living independently and demonstrating an intense work ethic, the Harvey Girls became known as a transformative force in the American West. 

-Change the semicolon to a comma. 


According to a recent study, an increasing number of people in their 30’s choose to remain single, a finding that, despite reports to the contrary, suggest that fewer people plan to have children. 

What word needs to become plural in order to agree with the subject? 


According to a recent study, an increasing number of people in their 30’s choose to remain single, a finding that, despite reports to the contrary, suggests that fewer people plan to have children.


Combine and re-write these two sentences with your team: 1-MCP lengthens storage life by three to four times when applied to apples. This extended life allows producers to sell their apples in the off-season, months after the apples have been harvested.

When applied to apples, 1-MCP lengthens storage life by three to four times, allowing producers to sell their apples in the off-season, months after the apples have been harvested.