" 'Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this regard,' Jehovah of armies says, 'to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens and pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.'β
What is Malachi 3:10?
Though the easiest route from this nation was 250 miles, Moses and the Israelites did not take that route to enter the Promised Land.
What is Egypt?
This King and High Priest is of the head Christian congregation; helping to maintain unity worldwide.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This book has a significant amount of symbolism. Initially showing how Jesus Christ had died but now is alive with great power in heaven.
What is the book of Revelation to John?
What is Moses and the burning bush?
Though originally an arrogant king who sought to hurt Jehovah. He humbly repented and Jehovah freely forgave him.
Who is King Manasseh?
Jehovah described the Promised Land as " ____" and good and spacious because of its variety of natural resources and terrain.
What is "flowing with milk and honey"?
Who are Circuit Overseers?
A book attributed to King Solomon is broken up into 3 sections which scholars believe the majority was recorded during his reign. But there is a basis to believe that it was compiled in book form after King Hezekiah's death in 717 B.C.E.
What is the Book of Proverbs?
What is Samson losing his strength?
This animal mentioned in Job emphasizing Jehovah's power has the strongest bite force among land animals, capable of exerting a force of 1,800 psi. Almost 3 times as much as a lion
What is a hippopotamus/ behemoth?
Solomon disobeyed Jehovah, accumulating chariots and horses. He had to build these to move around efficiently.
What are roads/highways?
The "fine shepherd" as Head of the entire flock, uses a channel of appointed brothers to provide food for his domestics (Matt. 24:45).
Who are the "faithful and discreet slave" class or GB?
This Bible writer received a special appearance from the resurrected Jesus and was now prominent among the disciples (Ga. 2:9) He shares the name of his cousin, one of the sons of Zebedee.
What is the Letter of James?
Who are the Sons of Thunder/ Sons of Zebedee/ James and John?
Jesus spent a large chunk of time in this city on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.
What is Capernaum?
This nation was considered the most powerful at the time of the Exodus. Their kings also ruled Bashan and Gilead.
Who are the Amorites?
Local congregations are broken up into these, based on geography, language, as well as the number of congregations within the area assigned to the branch.
What are circuits?
It was most likely written after his release from exile near Ephesus. This apostle states his purpose for writing the account, striving to repeat little that had already been mentioned in the other gospels.
What is the Good News According to John?
What is Philip running with the chariot of the Ethiopian?
This epic visual presentation, "Photo-Drama of Creation", was released in this year.
Jehovah himself determined the boundaries of the Promised Land. He also gave directions for apportioning the land among the tribes of Israel. One tribe had territory in the north and south of Israel. They bordered Napthali, Benjamin, and Judah.
What is the tribe of Dan?
In the month of Sivan 33 C.E., the Christian congregation was established at this remarkable event that aligned with the Jewish Festival of Weeks.
What is Pentecost 33 C.E.?
A letter written by the apostle Paul to a congregation in Macedonia that was established about 50 C.E. during Paul's second missionary tour.
What is the Letter to the Philippians?
When Jesus cast out demons who entered swine?