Women Of Color in the Bible
Science and the Bible
Sermon on the Mount
Math in the Bible

This wicked queen's husband was King Ahaz and she especially hated Jehovah's prophet Elijah.



The ___, ____, and _____ already existed as part of “the heavens” created in “the beginning.” according to Genesis 1:1.  However, their light evidently did not reach the earth’s surface because of a dense atmosphere.

What are the sun,moon and stars?


What is the sermon on the "mount" short for?

Mountain :)


Is Math important to Jehovah?

Yes it is! Jehovah is the great Mathematician!


At hearing the greeting of Mary, this faithful woman's was said to have, "leaped in her womb."



The  ___________ ( A Bible time civilization) believed that the gods that gave birth to the universe came from two oceans.

Who are the Babylonians?


How long was the Sermon?

20 Min


How long did it take Jehovah to create the heavens the earth, and everything in them?

On the 7th day gods work had been completed.


She was the daughter of a man who made a serious promise. Although not her vow to keep, she willingly went to live for the rest of her life at the Tabernacle. 

Jephthah's daughter

 This wonderfully designed creature is eellike and lives on the sea bed. When predators try to eat it, it ejects a gel from special glands. The gel clogs the gills of so - thought predator prompting it to leave.

What is the hagfish?


What was Jesus theme during the sermon?

Gods Kingdom


David and Jonathan had a special friendship despite this amount of an age difference.

What is a 30 year age difference?


Known. along with her husband for hospitality this lovely lady knew the hard work of tent making and often used her home for meeting places. She also wasn't afraid to correct the eloquent Apollos when he was a little inaccurate.



The type of people who adhere to a strict, literal interpretation of religious texts, dogmas, or ideologies and the people that believe a divine being created the universe, Earth, and life through supernatural acts both claim that the creative days were literal 24-hour days.

 Who are fundamentalists and creationists?


What book and 3 chapters can you find this sermon?

Mathew 5,6 & 7 ( Also will accept Luke 6..for partial)


How tall was Goliath?

Goliath was a towering 6 cubits or 9.5 feet!


This was a dear friend to Jesus and she liked to make everything just perfect, especially a meal with friends! Jesus encouraged her by saying, " .....you are anxious and disturbed about many things..."



The  scientific name for the bottle - gourd plant that Jehovah caused to grow to provide shade for Jonah. 

What is Lagenaria siceraria

The Familiy: Cucurbitaceae (squash, pumpkin, zucchini, some gourds)

The language of scientific name: Latin

The translation: bottles of beer


After the Sermon, did people talk about the healing?

No! his teaching was so amazing people spoke about what he said rather than the miracles he preformed!


Matthew 26:14, 15 says, Then one of the Twelve, the one called Judas Is·carʹi·ot, went to the chief priests  and said: “What will you give me to betray him to you?" They stipulated to him 30 silver pieces. 

If translated to modern currency what would be the amount in dollars that Judas betrayed Jesus for?

Judas betrayed Jesus for about $66 in modern currency. This fulfilled Bible prophesy, in offering just 30 pieces of silver the religious leader made him out to be of little value.