The 4 characters on the ship when it crashes.
Who are Viola, Sebastian, Antonio, and the Captain?
The three flaws Maria says Andrew has.
What is that he is stupid, coward, and a money waster?
The clothing that the people say for Malvolio to wear in the letter.
What is yellow stockings?
The person who helps Andrew in the Fight.
Who is Sir Toby?
The person who hurts Toby and Andrew.
Who is Sebastian?
The person who helps Viola disguise as a man.
Who is The Captain?
The reason that everyone gets frustrated with Sir Toby.
What is because he is always drunk?
The place they put they put Malvolio.
What is in a dark room?
The reason that Andrew wants to fight Cesario.
What is he thinks Cesario loves Olivia?
The thing Malvolio does at the end of the play.
What is he leaves?
The reason Viola goes in disguise as a man.
What is To work for Orsino?
The reason that Olivia knows Toby.
What is because He is her uncle?
The person in disguise as Sir Topas.
The Fool?
The person who breaks up the Fight between Cesario and Andrew.
Who is Antonio?
The two favors Antonio did for Sebastian.
What is safe his life at sea, and gave him money?
The time it takes for Orsino to like Cesario.
What is 3 days?
The reason that Andrew is at Olivia's villa.
What is because he is visiting Sir Toby?
The five people who pranks Malvolio.
Who is Toby, Maria,Andrew, Faibein, and the Fool?
The reason that Toby makes Malvolio mad.
What is because he said that there is devil in Malvolio?
The person Toby gets married to.
Who is Maria?
The reason Olivia doesn't want to see Valentine at first.
What is Her brother just died and she is sad?
The reason that Olivia tricks Cesario into coming back to her.
What is because She says that she left a ring when she didn't?
The 4 things Malvolio asks for when he is trapped.
What is light (candle) pen, ink, and Olivia?
The reason that the person breaks up the Fight between Cesario and Andrew.
What is because Antonio thought Cesario was Sebastian?
The thing that happens to Antonio at the end of the play.
What is he gets released from Orsino's officers?