Reasons For Stuff
Comparing Regions
Colonial Government
Geography is Destiny
Random Things (Must be selected last)

Columbus was searching for this when he discovered the "New World"

What is Asia?


The region known as the Bread Basket Region

What is the Middle or Mid-Atlantic Region?


This is America's first REPRESENTATIVE assembly.

What is the HOB?


Boston, New York, and Charleston are all located on the ______ of colonies.

What is the coast?


A baby bird hatches alone & asks a dog, a hen & a kitten the title question of this classic book for kids

What is Are You My Mother?


The French were making money trapping and trading this item.

What are furs


The jobs in New England were based mainly on this body of water

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


This was America's 1st Constitution and expanded democracy because more could now vote.

What is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?


Of the 3 regions, this one held the most enslaved people.

What is the Southern Region?


A tropical tree that is also a part of the body

What is a palm?


The colony of Georgia was established as a place for these people.

Who are debtors?


Region known for harsh winters and dense forests

What is the New England Region?


This document established self government for the people at Plymouth.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


New York and Boston benefitted greatly because of their natural_____.

What are harbors?


Name any Two NBA teams that  does not end with the letter S

(for example the Spurs wouldn't count because it ends with S - But the Thunder would - cannot use them as one of the two)

What are the Thunder, Jazz, Heat or Magic


The original reason Jamestown was established was that they believed this was to be found there.

What is gold?


Region known for long growing seasons and plantations.

What is the South?


Distance from England, need for law and order, and traditional rights led to the British colonies creating these 

What are their own governments?


As part of the Triangular Trade, this group of people gained the most from the transporting of goods and people across the Atlantic.

Who are the merchants (Traders)?



In 1940 Spain's Franco declined to join this group, Germany, Italy & Japan's alliance during the war

What is the Axis?


People moved to New England to escape this from happening.

What is being persecuted?


The Southern colonies used slave labor to grow this alliterative term that included tobacco, rice, and indigo

What are cash crops?


Man that left Massachusetts to start Connecticut becuase he wanted more to be able to vote.

Who was Thomas Hooker?


The geography of New England promoted the growth of these kinds of jobs

What is fishing, shipping or whaling?


A classic riddle...I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. 

What am I?

What is a map?