Who founded _____ colony in the ______ region
Why was the _____ colony founded
What is the Economic System of ______ colony and does climate play a role in it?
In ____ colony what is the Government/Politics? Does Religion play a role?
what are some social issues in ____ colony? What is daily life like?

Who founded the Connecticut colony and what region is it located in  

John Wheelwriget and it was located in the new England colony 


Why was Rhode island founded?

The founder questioned the authority of Puritan believers, and he believed an individual's consciousness was beyond the control of any civil or church authority, so he started his own colony


What is the Economic System of the New York colony and does climate play a role in it?

The economic system in New York are commerce, agriculture, and a thriving merchant community. New York has fertile farmlands that make growing crops easy. With the hot, humid summers and cold, bitter winters agriculture could be difficult, but with glaciers bringing in fertile soul and crops that grow year around. Because of the thick forest in New York hunting and fur trade are big in the merchant community


In the New Hampshire colony what is the Government/Politics? Does Religion play a role?  

The decree establishing New Hampshire as a royal colony also created a structure for colonial government. New Hampshire would have a council and a president, who would effectively be the governor of the colony. The colony also had an elected legislature, known as the Assembly, which was first convened in March 1680.


what are some social issues in South Carolina colony? What is daily life like?

The colonial government of South Carolina fought several conflicts with local Indian tribes and Spanish Florida while fending off the threat of piracy. In the daily life of a colonist you would most likely wake up early and help out your family on the farm


Who founded the New Jersey colony and what region is it located in?

1660 settlement of Bergen, part of new Netherlands until 1664. Founded by Duke of New York, Queen Anne united in 1702 became a royal colony. It is located in the middle region


Why was the Pennsylvania colony founded?

King Charles II granted him a charter for over 45,000 square miles of land, Penn wanted to establish a colony based on religious freedom and a haven for quakers.


What is the Economic System of the Georgia  colony and does climate play a role in it?

centered around the cultivation of cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo. And Indian trade. The climate is warm and the precipitation from the subtropical weather is great for cultivation.


In North Carolina colony what is the Government/Politics? Does Religion play a role?

Religion played a unique role in North Carolina. Quakers in particular were active in the government of colonial North Carolina. A relatively large number of Quakers held public office, including one who was appointed governor of North Carolina in 1695.


What are some social issues in the Rhode Island colony? What is daily life like?

Rhode Island suffered from a lagging economy, political divisions and even issues with religious dissidents who worked to destabilize the already unstable colony. Daily life in the Rhode Island colony includes, Farming which is extremely profitable in the colony. The main source of income is the ports, where goods could be exported to other colonies and England


Who founded the Delaware colony and what region was it located in?

The delaware colony was first settled by the New Sweden company and in 1664 British took control was apart of penn but separated in 1701. It is located in the middle region


Why was Maryland colony founded?

Founded as a safe Haven for English Catholics


What is the Economic System of the North Carolina colony and does climate play a role in it?

Cash crop was very important in the North Carolina, cash crops include, rice, indigo, and tobacco. North Carolina colony is a semi-tropical woodlands, warm enough to have a long and productive growing season for agriculture, with a mild and short winter. 


In the Massachusetts colony what is the Government/Politics? Does Religion play a role?

Governed by elected magistrates,self-governing, colonist determined the structure of political institutions. Puritans sought guidance of scriptures in regulating all aspects of the colony they also follow strict rules and are intolerant for other religions


what are some social issues in the Pennsylvania colony? What is daily life like?

The relationship between natives and colonist is serving as an issue with ongoing conflicts. Daily life consisted of farming and hard work. For fun most colonist play cards, foot racing, cockfights, dice, bull baits. 


Who founded the Georgia colony and what region was it located in?

It was founded by James Edward Oglethorpe it is located in the Chesapeake & Southern region 


Why was the Virginia colony founded?

Establish an English colony in the new world. Is a corporate settlement; wanted to make money


What is the Economic System of the Connecticut colony and does climate play a role in it?

Most economics were based on farming and trade. The climate of Connecticut was mild summers and long cold winters, but with being close to the Connecticut River valley, which provides fertile soil, farming was made more accessible 


In the New Jersey colony what is the Government/Politics? Does Religion play a role?

proprietary colony and then went. Under royal rule. Had a legislative council general assembly and provincial congress. Voting was limited to property owners. New Jersey was not a settled religious community.


What are some social issues in the Maryland colony? What is daily life like?

Figuring out how its religiously diverse people, a mix of England's religious outsiders and members of the Church of England, could live with each other in harmony and order. A Maryland colonists daily life would consists of farming.


who founded the Massachusetts colony and what region is it in?

William Bradshaw founded the colony and it is located in the New England colony 


Why was New Hampshire founded?

It was a safe haven for religious outcasts.


What is the Economic System of the Delaware colony and does climate play a role in it?

traded with the Lenape and susquehannocks ( new Sweden company). depended upon African enslaved labor. tobacco, pork and corn economy.exports to England, Scotland and the West Indies. Grain farming, milling, commercial orchards and animal husbandry operations. The climate is pretty temperate and experienced all 4 seasons, but nothing extreme which makes farming successful.  


In the Georgia colony what is the Government/Politics? Does Religion play a role?  

It was firstly administered by a board of trustees and in 1752 became a royal colony under the direct governance of King George II, until 1760. Religion did not impose an official church and free exercise of religion by all except Roman Catholics.


what are some social issues in the Connecticut colony? What is daily life like?

 Tensions emerged as English and Dutch trading posts developed in Saybrook and Hartford in the 1630s. Small conflicts escalated quickly into the Pequot War, which was won by English and Native allies. For the majority of colonists, daily life consisted of supporting the profession the family was centered around.